Ardin wasn't 100% sure how he'd expected the other subjects to end up, but he most certainly hadn't expected a spider person. He involuntarily twitched a little when she walked into the room, which made him feel guilty. But honestly, there was no way to be ready for something like that. The spider girl made Ardin a little apprehensive about the other subjects but besides the girl who looked like she got rained on, the rest of the subjects seemed relatively normal. Although that was no reason to believe that they were still normal. Ardin quietly listened on as the others spoke. He had nothing to add and thus nothing to say. He also wanted to speed things along, but he wasn't in any hurry. Pleasantries were all well and good but he wanted to know what the procedure had done to them, and what exactly it was they would do. He adjusted his position to a more comfortable one, raising one of his knees to rest his head on. Nothing much for him to do know but listen, since it seemed that the scientists had more to say.