Yubel smiled to see the curiosity in the Genie's eyes. [i]"I am. Jaden and I have been with each other for a long time. Though he can talk to all of his monsters like he would with me. It puts him to other humans as odd though I am glad he has found someone who he can talk freely about seeing and talking to such spirits as us."[/i] Yubel though giggled at a thought she had. [i]"Though it does not stop him from talking to us in the open."[/i] This earned a bashful blush from Jaden and a laugh from Yugi. The tri-colored boy looked to Shadow with a curious look. You said that you knew what Weevil's plan was when he tossed Exodia into the ocean?" Jaden was interested as well. He knew full well how rare and powerful Exodia was. He wanted to know for himself also. "That kid is just a plain out creep. I wouldn't be surprised if he was threatened by Exodia's power." Jaden growled a little.