[quote=@Sho Minazuki] [@FlitterFaux][@HereComesTheSnow][@FlitterFaux][@Abillioncats][@Crimmy][@Onarax] [h3]Varius Gilver[/h3] [color=gray]"Hmph, 'fried' you say Shuai, but I'm afraid I do not make such a primitive dish. Behold, tempura tuna"[/color], he responded as a montage of making the batter, applying it to the fish, frying it, and taking it out to put it onto a neatly organized dish with sauce took place. With that ready it was only up to Shuai to take that... And the request salmon sushi. Unfortunately they did not bring salmon, but Varius was not one to be unprepared. [color=gray]"My family may not be here today, but our delivery networks never rest. I took the liberty of sending a notification to the fishery in town"[/color], with a click of his fingers a crate parachuted down in the middle of the food court relayed by a helicopter with his family company's logo on it before flying away. Upon Shuai opening the crate to deliver the contents to the stand he would find it was full of salmon. Soon as it was taken to the stand, Varius would proceed to prepare the salmon sushi as if nothing abnormal had happened. [color=gray]"I hope the food is to your liking dear customers"[/color], an incredible display... Such was the power of wealth one supposes. [/quote] [@Abillioncats][@FlitterFaux][@Onarax][@Lucius Cypher][@HereComesTheSnow][@Ryonara] [b]Shuai Taidan - Food Cart at the Food Court[/b] "[color=ce2029]Oooh, you guys should run a delivery service,[/color]" commented Taidan as he watched the crate parachute down onto the courtyard. "[color=ce2029]That was super quick.[/color]" The resident pyromaniac of Canvas slipped past the crowds of surprised customers and other sorts of folks towards the crate, circling it once with his hands held against his hips [i]just[/i] to make sure that his teammate's family hadn't dropped anything dangerous on them. Not that he thought Varius was gonna kill them or anything, and besides, he was 100% certain someone as fiery as he was couldn't be so easily snuffed out by anything hidden in a wooden crate that smelled of fish and seawater, but it was equally likely that Varius had ordered some sort of mutant Grimmfish instead like that one time they went to Vacuo on vacation. He stepped up towards the crate and opened the top just a tad. It was definitely just normal salmon. He nodded firmly to himself. That was exactly what the customers had ordered, so all was fine. He threw a thumbs-up Varius' way. Time to get to work~! Conduits of energy awakened just under his pale skin, the rush of burning blood cycling through every part of him as the liquid fire within his heart impressed Him upon the World. The intangible, invisible essence of Shuai Taidan's identity detaching from his skin as his Semblance, the six divine arms leaping to action as they awoke from his back. [i]Santouliubi[/i] Each one stretched out towards the crate, grabbing hold of the heavy wooden container of fish and raising it up into the air as if it weighed nothing. The scent of salt and raw fish was immediately apparent, and Taidan could see a lot of passerbys wrinkle their noses in distaste for the fish. He himself wasn't too bothered, it was just fish after all! He walked back towards the food cart, the crate dangling in the sky behind him, held aloft by those invisible extensions of his Aura. It wasn't necessary for him to use that power, but if he was doing waiter business, there was no way he was going to just touch the crate with his bare hands! It'd be rude to the customers, even if he could totally just go wash his hands. Wasn't that just justifying laziness? Nah, just a way to avoid more work than usual! The crate was set down next to Varius with a slight rumble, and Taidan watched his teammate work with the same incredible speed as before. "[color=ce2029]Hey,[/color]" he said after a moment, a note of curiosity entering his voice. "[color=ce2029]Does your family make helicopter blades too?[/color]" Still, he wasn't waiting for an answer any time soon, taking the finished salmon sushi (and the previous tuna tempura) to their respective customers. "[color=ce2029]Apologies for the lack of fried tuna, senorita,[/color]" he said politely as he reentered character, bowing to Emerald as he held out the plate to the catgirl. "[color=ce2029]Our chef preferred to provide you with a more ... [i]exquisite[/i] tuna tempura.[/color]" He immediately brightened up a second later, dazzling smile finding its way to his cute face as he handed the salmon sushi Teàrlag's way. "[color=ce2029]Oh, and he's your sushi, teach! Enjoy this meal your cute students made~! It's as equally good as our grades, right?[/color]" [hr] [b]Teàrlag Cirsium - Student Counselor, Dust Apps Teacher, currently at Food Court[/b] Oi, Taidan. Don't think you can get away with trying to bribe me into being more lenient on your team's marks. I know it was your idea, so don't go pushing it onto your silver-haired mate polishing his knives back there. I'm not that much of a pushover that your sparkling purple eyes and soft, pretty features combined with handing me over some really nice-looking grub can convince me to help you brats out. It's not you're cute or anything! And besides, this isn't even deep-fried, so it's not enough either! I guess that was more on me. I guess I should've gone for some fish and chips, but it doesn't look like these blokes have much in the way of potatoes. Unless that Varius asked his family to deliver some fresh potatoes over, but what kind of teacher would that make me, getting my students to work even harder for my sake just to grab some spuds? I mean it's not like I appreciate all this hard work into giving me this salmon or anything, but more on top of that? I'm not somebody who'll so easily leech off the kids I've been hired to take care of. That goes against the spirit of the duty-of-care thing I had to sign, you know? And it's why I refuse the luchadora girl's offer to pay for my salmon. Even if it'd be convenient, losing my hoodie to her temporarily isn't something I should fuss about. Think of my dignity too. Teàrlag Cirsium isn't going to be known as someone who borrows money from students. "[color=d8bfd8]I can pay for myself,[/color]" I tell the girl even as I take the sushi from Taidan and hand him some lien. "[color=d8bfd8]Just give me the hoodie back.[/color]" The hoodie isn't that important. The bunny ears are stupid. But it's mine, okay?