"I'm sorry about your parents, Adam." Sparrow moves to take his hand, intending to reassure him or offer some comfort, but the stops and folds her hands in her lap again. "I lost my mom when I was younger too. That's why my dad and I came here." The mood at the table seemed to darken, and with it her smile dwindles and then falls, her face becoming rather flat and emotionless. "I may not be scared of what's out there beyond our walls, but it's hard to deny that it's safer in here." Shrugging Sparrow attempts to shake off her less than pleasant mood and move into a happier state of mind. "But anyway, outside can be fun. Inside is safer, yeah, but the outside is where all the adventures are!" She smiles at Adam and then faces Eden. "I heard they're making stew for lunch, but I set aside a bunch of rolls too, oh and I heard something about making pies of dinner..." she trails off the sentence and grins. "We are going to head out before someone pulls be back to the kitchen, but it was nice talking with you, Eden. Have a good day at work!" Sparrow stands. For a brief moment she considers extending a hand towards Adam, but thinks better of the gesture and simply smiles. "Ready to go? There are a few things I want to show you before we leave, and I have to stop by my room for my cloak before we go too." [@GoodLuckTuck] [@WhiteMoths]