[quote=@NobodiesHero] [@The Irish Tree] When I think of the element Spirit, the first thing that comes to mind is the word spirited, which means full of energy. Thus why I make it an energy based, or more physical, magic element. Some of the opposite words for that would be apathetic, lazy, unlively which makes me think that the opposite of Spirit would be some sort of draining, or debuffing, element. [/quote] [quote=@ViannaNight] [@nobodieshero] so basically a life drainer is what you are saying? I can only think of two that I can think of that would be somewhat opposite of spirit would be death or chaos. The reason I say death is because to me not only does spirit embodies energy but also life. Everything living has a spirit. [/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oKYQOZi.gif[/img] But...can Death even really be classified as an element? I can understand Spirit and Life, as they are things that at least in some capacity is "there", but with Death/Chaos, that's more the absence of something. I think its more..."Good Guy" to have Spirit be juxtaposed to an element of "Vitality", where Spirit is the manifestation of power outside of the body, IE in someone else or in the form of energy, and have Vitality be the manifestation of inner power, having no real spells that affect others, but having tremendous powers that they use on themselves.