[h1] [color=Fuchsia] [center] Katya [/center] [/color] [/h1] [hr] The moment Caretaker connected with Atty she used her forward momentum to slamming the lighter werk and pin it to the wall with Caretakers arm. Even as Atty slammed into the wall bringing them both to a sudden stop made Katya's arm hurt almost like she was the one who had slammed someone into the wall. Her display showed the impact had caused some minor damage to the arm Katya used to pin Atty but nothing that would affect its use. An Eden drone being thrown of Caretaker during the impact. It hitting the wall before falling to the ground. Damaged and offline. The other on Caretaker back was able to remained attached. Katya, however, did her best to ignore the pain. Focused on keeping Atty pinned as it violently thrashed about. Katya locking Caretakers arm into place hoping Serah would stop aware there was still the Cruxi Elite around, and right now she was vulnerable if the Cruxi decided to attack her. Katya aware she could not let go of Atty to engage the elite. Pretty sure Atty would be turned on her. With Atty pinned Katya re-tasked the drones to deal with Elite. Tasking them to attack. However, the command failed to transmit. Making Katya re-input the commander before it would send. [color=Fuchsia]“Caretaker now is not the time to act up.”[/color] Katya muttered to herself, ordering her drones for the second time. Focusing back on Atty as sent the command who was dragging it blade across the wall. Katya sure that she was about to impaled with said blade. Not seeing a way out she braced herself for the impact. Hoping that it would avoid any vital systems. But no attack came instead she was given the sight of Atty powering down the plasma falling off its blade as it arm hung limb beside it. [color=Fuchsia]“Ancestors.”[/color] Katya muttered as glanced at her statues of her attack drones seeing as they were quickly destroyed by the Cruxi Elite. Not wanting to keep her back turned. To the enemy, know all too well it was a bad idea. So she ordered Caretaker to unlock it arm A loud hiss that Katya could hear even in her cockpit it unlocked. Katya swinging Caretaker around as she glanced at her comm system. See for some reason it had closed her part of the link to the rest of the squad. Yet it was still transmitting, it now only dawning on her that her cockpit was to quite. Normally since having the comm array installed filled with comm Katya feeling frustrated. She was about to reinitialize the teams link when she saw Neo Angle charge at the Elite. Katya hoping that Mia would destroy that Elite. Even if part of her wanted to be the one to do it. [color=Fuchsia][i]“Nothing I can do there. For the moment.”[/i][/color] She thought as she turned Caretaker to Elora. [color=Fuchsia]“Let see if I can complete our main objective. Make this mess worth while.”[/color] Katya said to herself moving away from Atty. Before moving starting to make the trek to Logic gate as quickly as she could. Keeping readying her rifle training on the Elite. In just in case Mia needed some backup, she’d be ready to provide it. Well hopefully. Given Caretaker systems playing up. Katya still unable to make her comm system properly initialize so she could speak to her teammates. As she moved to modded Logic Gate, Katya ordered her drones stand down. Katya having no intent on recovering the werk. Right now all she cared about was the pilot inside. Katya object to recover Elora. Katya confident with if Mia could keep the Cruxi Elite busy for a few minutes she could have Elora secured. Inside the extraction sphere still attached to Caretaker waist.