[center][h3][b]Group One: Ignatus, Targild, Kaleo, Kain[/b][/h3] [@Paddiecake][@Mae][@Tenma Tendo][@Orpheus] [color=cccccc][i]Ignatus' situation written with clearance from Paddie.[/i][/color][/center] [hider=Group 1] The creatures don't seem to appreciate being hit by arrows or kicked in the sides. Perhaps even the slamming into the train in the first place has taken it's toll - either way, the creatures start to slink backwards in ever bigger circles around the train, eventually watching from the safety of the treeline. Or perhaps it was something else? Flecks of gold drift on the breeze lazily... [@Paddiecake] Ignatus: This whole situation was damn rediculous. You grip the offending metal in your shaking hands and somehow the coolness of it steels your resolve. Had you not been in situations like these thousands of times? Had you not survived far worse then this in the past? Train, metal and tolls be damned! Like you were going to die under here, surrounded by beasts and strangers. Your hand stills and you free the object from your stomach with surprising ease. A laserlike focus falls over you and you perceive the area around you with new clarity. Being careful of your wound, you shimmy towards the exit and find your eyes adjusting to glorious sunlight. It had been difficult in the darkness with the screams and the smell of blood surrounding you, but now as you press your hand against the wound it doesn't seem nearly as deep or bad as you initially thought. [@Orpheus][Mae] Cain & Targilde: You catch your breath. Such an eventful introduction to the trials of World's End has left you a little tired but not too worse for wear. The absurdity of it all is pretty hilarious, actually. [center]You giggle.[/center] [@Tenma Tendo] Kaleo: [i]You dance on the precipice of unconsciousness, dipping in and out.[/i][/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Two: Farran, Melanie, Castiel, Lloyd[/b][/h3] [@Tenma Tendo][@Mae][@Fox of Spades][@SilverDawn][/center] [hider=Group 2][i]Crrrrrrkkk.[/i] The water began pouring out the crack that had formed from Lloyd's heroic endeavours, as you watch spider-thin tendrils snaking up the wall. Soon enough the old worn stones give, the crack widening to a size a little under four foot high. Water pours forth into the outside world, beginning to drain the strange tunnel you're in. You think it'd be easy enough to squeeze through the gap that Lloyd had made. [@Mae] Melanie: You splutter up water and cough severely as your system readjusts to a return to the air. Lucky for you Lloyd had been present as your limbs are still somewhat paralysed, though you shall have no lasting internal injuries from the drowning. Your arm hangs limply at your side for the time being and you wince if you try to move it substantially. It hasn't been crushed, luckily, but the pressure has certainly damaged it. [@Fox of Spades] Castiel: You stand atop the train, out of harm's way. [@SilverDawn] Lloyd: A groan from the other side of the wall and a [i]thump, thump, thump[/i]. The stones near the gap rumble as something on the [i]other side[/i] of the wall rip more bricks from their homes. [color=forestgreen]"eeeeeyeeeeehh."[/color] grumbled a voice from beyond the tunnel as you watch huge swaithes of the wall fall away. Before you, standing among the rubble with the water up to his ankles slowly dissapating, was a green bulbous humanoid standing at 6"6. He walked with his head hunched over his shoulders, two pinpricks of eyes peering out of his fat, rounded face. His nose seemed more snout then anything, and his pot belly flopped over the top of his frayed grey shorts. He seemed not to bother about tops or shoes or jewellery. The being thumped a fist against it's chest. [color=forestgreen]"Hear hear! Who broke this bloody wall, den?"[/color] he asked, kicking up a splash of water. [@Tenma Tendo] Farran: You hear a hiss as the rope frays and breaks in two, dropping you down against the hard damp stone floor below. Ouch! It [i]hurts[/i]. You look beside you and see the rope has been split in two. The lumbering creature standing outside the tunnel laughs in his booming voice, his belly jiggling. [color=forestgreen]"How pathetic."[/color] he gurgles. [/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Three: Oxe, Humphrey, Alexis, Crusz, Viola[/b][/h3] [@Paddiecake][@Mae][@Haru Nyan][@Fox of Spades][/center] [hider=Group3] The mists ebb, flow and shudder like a thick grey sea gifted with sentience. Train.. what's a train? Silohuettes shuffle along beyond your sight and you begin to wonder what came before this place, and if anything comes after. It feels like you've been here forever, almost. Was it just you, or were the mists getting a little... darker? Thicker, maybe? No, surely not. They've always been this way, right? [@Paddiecake]Alexis: It seems the chairs like your enthusiasm, and next thing you know, the chairs are rushing towards the table. The one your sitting on jumps up for a moment, giving enough space for the chair underneath to stack under it. Dancing to the rhythm of an unheard beat the chairs continue to stack, up and up, though they barely wobble up in the air. Where are all these chairs coming from? You crest the top of the mist and look around you. Up this high, you can see the extent of the mists themselves and where they cease. It is now you realise the magical nature of the mist itself, for from your perch above the mists seem clear as day to you. [@Paddiecake]Oxe: The chair curls back on itself and scuttles away into the mists. For a moment you thought it might be leaving completely, but you hear a quiet creak in front of you and sure enough, it soon reappeared from the darkness. It had another chair with it, and the two seemed to be [i]pushing[/i] a tall, oblong object between them that was only a few inches shorter then you. A grey cloth lightly covered the object from top to bottom, though you see some evidence of small wheels at the bottom. [@Haru Nyan] Crusz: The trunk shudders for a moment at your words. As you stand there debating on your options, Crusz notices that the mists around them seem thinner here then in other places. Lighter, even. In fact, lighter seems to be exactly what it is. The mists fall back revealing some sort of wooden lampost. It stretches up and across at a right angle, the lantern dangling down one end. [@Mae] Humphrey: Humphrey, totally oblivious to most things in life, completely misses the change in local topography. [@Fox of Spades] Viola: The cups spin and dance with the teapot towards your end of the table, zigzagging in and out between each other. [/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Four: Wakana, Rowen, Diane[/b][/h3] [@Tenma Tendo][@Kore][@Moonlit Sonata][/center] [hider=Group 4] Tick... tick.... tick.... [i]tock.[/i] The train shudders and seems to collapse in on itself for the shortest of moments, but as quick as a blink the image of it is gone. In it's place? A train of clearest, perfect glass. The walls shimmer around you, the chairs reflecting the world below the train eerily as if you were floating above it with nothing between you and the ground at all. The glass is cool to the touch, and if it weren't for the way the light played within it's grasp, you would nearly be convinced you were floating on air. Beyond the once steel sides of the train, a battle rages on unimpeded. Gruff battle-hardened warriors wrapped in furs and cloaks battle dilligently against angry clocks with crooked arms. They shatter and melt to the ground in puddles of monotone cogs, while other warriors meet their fate at time's cruel hands. The fighters wither and curl and age before collapsing to the dirt as nothing more then bones, then dust. The train shudders again, and screams. [@Tenma Tendo] Wakana: Outside, a warrior slams against the side of the train, his face pressing against the small window, staring at you with hungry eyes. He thumps his fist against the glass. [@Kore][@Moonlit Sonata] Rowen and Diane: You notice as the train starts to speed up as it howls across the battlefield. [/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Five: Michael, Druuk, Sinéad[/b][/h3] [@Burthstone][@Duskshine749][@Orpheus][/center] [hider=Group5] A heavenly chorus rung out, reverberating around the metal train. It was loud, booming even, but the harmonies melded together and weaved in and out in perfect melody. The starlings chimed in excitement. [center][color=gold]"Regulus! Regulus! He's here! He's here!"[/color][/center] [hr][@Burthstone][@Orpheus] Michael & Sinéad: The starlings giggle to themselves and orbit the pair of you like hyperactive pinwheels before darting out the carriage. They zip in and out of your field of view beyond the doorway, too excited to decide whether they should stay with you or head outside first. What a terribly difficult dilemna for them. [center][color=gold]"You will like him!" "He will like you!" "Yes! Most probably!"[/color][/center] [hr][@Duskshine749]Druuk: The Starling zips to the window once you have found your flying feet, dashing this way and that in excitement. It seems it has forgotten how to get out the way it came in, and so it instead decides to twirl around your head in fast little circles as if that would help somehow. [center][color=gold]"Regulus! Regulus! King of the Stars Regulus!"[/color][/center][/hider]