Ysran could hear a small commotion from near the entrance as he wandered throughout the streets. He listened in as closely as he could. From what he could gather, this was a social call. Perfect. This would likely give him some much needed info. He decided to tail and observe. They began to talk about their food. Hm. A bit of a strange thing to talk about. Maybe he was a foreigner like himself and this food was new to him? Well, that didn't matter right now. Time to keep listening. Another person had soon joined them. He couldn't quite hear their names. But, with any luck, he'd either find out soon, or it wouldn't matter. The new person began to pull out some sort of food. Yams? Probably. He also held up his hands. A gesture of sorts? Maybe. They talked about the origins of one of them. So that's what they would talk about when meeting a new person? Seems reasonable enough. Soon enough they were finished eating, and stood up. Time to follow. One of them looked directly at him. He gave a quick wave, and began looking down in an attempt to disengage. Looks like it worked. He continued following them.