[@Silver Carrot] Yeah I didn't really leave much for the rest of you to respond to did I, guess that's what I get for writing at 4am. I'm thinking maybe unless anyone else's character has a question about the mission, we pair off for some character interactions, just long enough to get some lingering business taken care of, build on our interpersonal relationships while I take care of a little bit of behind-the-scenes stuff. The action is not far away, I promise! That said, the crew is a looking a little light these days, Rultaos, mackielars, and Azereiah have been gone for 3 months and there's no real sign that any of them are returning soon. PlatinumSkink has also been in contact to announce that they're leaving the rp, though at this time, I'm not sure if it's a temporary or permanent departure, so Lataniva will be relegated to NPC status for the time being. Still 9 of us here, so we can make it work, although, if any of you have friends that might be interested, go ahead and invite them! And if there's nothing left to add to the current scene, I'll pop back in a little later on to break up the gathering and move us along a little! [@BKburke][@Tickout][@Xandrya][@Dark Light][@Turbowraith][@Banana][@Simple Unicycle]