[center][color=aqua][h1]Alberich[/h1][/color][/center] [quote=Of Blood and Honor, Chris Metzen]Esarus thar no'Darador' - By Blood and Honor We Serve.[/quote] [color=silver]It had taken a few minutes of conversing, but necromancer eventually released the guardsman from his service. Finishing his tobacco, Alberich placed his massive battleaxe away, and extended a hand to Caractacus.[/color] [color=aqua][b]"That is good to hear. The war effort needs every able body to fight the Dark Lord, and you'll be able to put your skills to use."[/b][/color] [color=silver]Alberich explained to the necromancer as he nodded reassuringly to the stammering mess that Caractacus was. For a necromancer, Caractacus had appeared easily intimidated, and Alberich wondered if the man was scared of Kathryn and himself. It was almost confusing, as Alberich would have had thought all necromancers would be more devious, especially with all the tricks up their sleeve.[/color] [color=aqua][b]"With that being said, we need a name for ourselves. We have been tracking an orcish horde, but logistics shows that their forces could easily wipe us without assistance after reports of entire villages been sacked. I have heard that the Kingdom of Ven has been looking for mercenaries, yet I believe they would be reluctant to hire a couple of strangers with no known reputation despite all the fighting we have done on the front lines."[/b][/color] [color=silver]Truthfully, there was little that had bound any of them outside their constant desire to vanquish the Dark Lord. They had been picking away at the Dark Lord's footholds with minor skirmishes, yet to accomplish anything large, it would require more than just them. Something that would draw aid from the villages, cities and kingdoms--a formal organization, with structured ranks and skilled squadrons.[/color] [color=aqua][b]"I'll be frank. It has been a dream of mine for years to see opposing banners stalwartly fly against the Dark Lord, rather than crumble as easily as they have done so far. Today, I propose the creation of a new opposing faction, one bound by no oath but one to their brothers and sisters, to strike the Dark Lord and decimate his holdings. An organization with a name representing their righteous intent--the Dawnblade Brotherhood. Think of it as you wish, but I am not the only one who holds dear hatred for the Dark Lord and his minions. We shall be a bastion in the light."[/b][/color] [color=silver]Alberich explained, crossing his arms as he finished his speech. He had a personal crusade against the Dark Lord, but to do the world right once more, it would require the aid of many that would fight and sacrifice much.[/color] [hr] [center][@dereken][@Remipa Awesome][/center]