[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s30.postimg.org/8uoso7135/virginia.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Almack's[/center][hr][hr] Virginia was quite thankful that Dame Hale responded to Sir Kildragon. Had she been pressed to answer Fyror's questions, she would not have been surprised if an onslaught of tears similar to her earlier meltdown would have come to be. For Virginia carried the weight of surviving an encounter that her dear friend had not been fortunate enough to do so as well. Dear Mosi had given her life for Virginia's defense, as she had been crippled by an injury that only her feast on the melancholy and the morose had allowed her to push through. She drew strength from the macabre, yet that strength had failed her friend. She tore her thoughts away from Mosi's corpse once more as Elizaveta gave instructions to Dame Hale. And while Lady Crypt was perhaps stubborn by nature, arguing that she might perhaps still be of use was not a battle she wished to fight. She had taken care of Mosi's mortal form and felt no personal attachments to the other fallen, aside from perhaps Millicent's sister. Yet Virginia knew that Mrs. Wyndham, and perhaps Jane and Emma as well, would likely much prefer it if a Crypt did not touch their bodies. Virginia was well aware of the distaste Mrs. Wyndham held for her and her family. With the swift exit of the Grand Duchess and the tiger, as well as the Great Bazhooli twirling knives after a few words spoken to him in what she assumed to be Russian, Virginia nodded her farewell to Mary. If time allowed, she would attempt to call on her tomorrow, yet she first had to investigate the needs of Millicent. Virginia left the chamber and went outside of Almack's, her thoughts with Millicent. Yes, she would be her first to see tomorrow, if Millicent allowed herself to take visitors. She did not understand why Millicent would engage herself to Lord Rutherford, but she imagined that her dear friend would be mourning more for her sisters and perhaps would benefit from some companionship. As Virginia stood out in the night air, she took a moment to simply breathe. She would need to attempt to call upon Mosi's family as well. And of course, she would need to begin arrangements for James to be trained. The attack on Almack's only introduced more urgency to the matter. It was not merely a title that dear James would need to escape, but the loss of his atman as well. She would have much to discuss with Alfred that evening, it would seem, as she searched for her carriage and her driver.