[center] [color=#71407C][h1]Mistress Hollow[/h1][/color][/center] [@Heckno12] [color=#71407C]“No, I think you’ve made the mistake here, pressuring my baby and her friends after a traumatizing experience”[/color] She growled clicking the button on the Pokeball causing it to expand showing off just how aged it was old and rusted decorated with scratch marks and cracks along the bottom.[color=#71407C] “They were attacked and you think they might be involved with anything deeper than that, if you actually did your job instead of flaunting your primape hide in front of a camera for views you might have some real clues”[/color] Mistress Hollow continued to bash and belittle the man brushing her long hair to the side and out of her eyes showing off those piercing cold eyes dead locked on the detective. [color=#71407C]“If this were a legit investigation, I would agree with you, but I’ll have to relieve you of any information you have on this gang so I can teach them the same lesson you’re about to learn”[/color] M. Hollow snarled tossing the ancient looking Pokeball into the air releasing a large beam of light from inside taking the form of a fairly large Dragonite landing in front of his trainer shaking the ground beneath its feet and roared loud enough to shatter glass [color=#71407C]“Don’t mess with my child”[/color] [hr] [hr] [center] [color=gold][h1]Nyxx Hollow[/h1][/color][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat][@Dusksong][@Heckno12] Nyxx didn’t say much on the way to the caves themselves having little knowledge of excavating fossils or anything like that in the first place, one they got to the caves she pulled out her Bunnery and Bounsweet being that both Swablu and Jolteon were weak to rock type attacks and with them being in a cave and everything she figured the chances of that happening were entirely too high for her not to take a precaution. [color=gold]“I really don’t know much about digging and excavation Amber so I’ll keep myself awake by being your body guard”[/color] she said with a loud yawn covering her mouth right after [color=gold]“Ah, ready guys?”[/color] she called out to Nellz and Ivy who were a little too busy sizing each other up being that they hadn’t actually meet without Lupin being around. [color=gold] “Um, I’m going to need you two to actually work together on this one, you can have a girl fight all you want when we're out of this cave”[/color] Nyxx barked staggering just a little having been low on energy since leaving the pokecenter and having no real rest she was literally running more empty than usual. [hider=Bag] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] Bunneary "Nelz" lv13, Swablu "Lupin" lv12, Jolteon "Sloth" lv12, Bounsweet "Ivy" lv12 [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] [/hider]