[Center][h2][color=00aeef]Albus[/color][/h2][/center] Trotting along, he tried listening in on a conversation. Horse names huh? He was never any good with naming things. He'd met a guy before who named every piece of equipment he owned. Guy was a total lunatic. 'Course, he'd met an [i]actual[/i] lunatic. He was... an experience. And one he'd rather avoid. But back to the horse names. What kind of name would his have? He'd probably just call it 'Chesnut', after his breed. Kind of boring, but he didn't want to go overboard. He was a simple guy from a simple place. Things needed to work, not look flashy. He looked up, and around him. Rhea was up on her wyvern still. And... that was it really. There wasn't a whole lot going on. A few clouds, some dirt, more dirt. Well, he was used to it. He enjoyed the calm of the road. Then again, bustling cities could be fun. There was always something to do, somewhere to go, someone to talk to. Then again, you never really had much quiet time. And on the road you usually had [i]to much[/i] quiet time. Well, guess there's not much to do now but keep on keepin' on.