Dawn’s smile widened a bit further, and she reached out to clasp the offered hand and give it a gentle pump. [color=#000949]“I don’t blame you. It seems like the project’s taken a lot out of everyone as it is.”[/color] She released her grip and pulled back, her other hand moving to lift the brim of her hat up. [color=#000949]“My name is Dawn. It’s nice to meet you, too, Eiko.”[/color] She ignored the scoffing that came from the other side of the room. Perhaps it had been a bit of a redundant question, when most of the gathered subjects were clearly rattled, but Eiko was young. It was somewhat disturbing that they would allow a minor to participate in an experiment like this, so the least she could do was make sure that he hadn’t been too badly affected by it all. The situation became only more unsettling when the next group walked in- in particular, a woman. One with the lower body of a spider. Admittedly, Dawn started a little upon her walking in, shock written across her face before she wrestled it out of sight and glanced at her lap, guilty. Dawn had read the warnings. She had signed the forms. She knew very well that this project would put the applicants’ lives at risk, but...nothing on [i]this[/i] level. Eventually, two of the doctors came in. One was a dark-eyed, stern woman, and another, completely silent man, carrying a young woman in his arms. He laid her on the floor for a minute before Williams plucked her up and brought her over- without comment, Dawn stood and moved to another seat, allowing for Eiko to sit next to his sister. The girl’s skin was terribly damaged, and there were splotches of blood drying in various spots across her body. Brow furrowing, Dawn reached into her purse, pulled out a roll of gauze, and handed it over to Eiko. [color=#000949]“Here,”[/color] she said. [color=#000949]“It’s not much, but it should keep her wounds from getting infected.”[/color] She went silent for a moment, listening to Ms. Williams introduce herself, fists burrowed in the folds of her skirt. It was only after the good doctor had finished that Dawn turned to their new company, smiling faintly. [color=#000949]“Oh, um. Hello. It’s nice to meet you, James. I’m Dawn.”[/color] She extended her hand out to the man, the other still dug into her lap. At the very least, it seemed that Doctor Williams had been confident that nothing particularly worrisome would happen during the experiments. [@Tenma Tendo][@Majoras End]