[quote=@Member 00492] [@The Angry Goat] [img]http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p707/Member00492/1Warden_zpsukoifapu.png[/img] -00492 [/quote]I am reminded of Mr. T. "I pity the fool." [quote=@Afro Samurai]In public universities, perhaps. Private universities are quite a different matter. They actually teach.[/quote]I went to a private college. There was definitely a lot of preaching by some "professors." [quote=@Lord Wraith] [@Burning Kitty], I have to ask. Is this like a method acting thing for you or what? You seem to keep posting your characters opinions and preferences but this is the Out of Character thread. You can calm down and be yourself too. [/quote]Solara & I share many of the same opinions.