“Get off the road ya fuckn' moron!” A man's deep voice bellowed from within a passing town car; its window rolled down so as to better deliver his almost sage-like advice. Without allowing a moment of silence, the man thrust his palm into the solid rubber at the center of his steering wheel; a low pitched and high volume honk sounding off in quick succession. The vehicle had been traveling in the right lane when Leo jumped onto the bridge and the driver simply saw nothing more than a hooligan climbing into the road and was now merging into the left lane so as to speed passed him. Leo threw the smallest of glances to his left as this vehicle came up beside him and saw a heavyset white male with black, messy hair giving “The Finger” as it passed him; the man's face was contorted into a look of absolute fury, as though he hoped to strike Leo dead with that stare alone. This look of hatred visibly softened as confusion and terror took hold on the man's mind; Who and why was this man running on the bridge with a sword and battle armor? The man slammed his foot onto the gas pedal and the car hastily drove away; swerving to and fro as the driver attempted to watch Leo through the rearview mirror In the next instant Leo’s attention would snap back to the battle at hand as his gaze shifted back down to Rakhana; just in time to see the large fragment of the guardrail get thrown by some unseen force above her and collide with the building beside her. This one was chock-full of nasty surprises, and he had to say; he liked it. From his vantage point alongside the guardrail, Leos eyes were able to pick up the faintest twinge of movement from the woman’s body before it seemed to lock in position; the exact same set of actions he had witnessed when they first met and her position had changed very quickly. There was also a faint, hazy glimmer in the air around her still form as though the sun were beating down upon it, but Leo had only just noticed it when Rakhana came back into view. The barrel of her gun was clearly aimed at him and it was all Leo could do to widen his eyes once more before the purple-blue energy exploded from the barrel. From the Pauldron upon his left shoulder there was a faint, white glow that sparked into life the very instant that Leo knew he was about to be shot. Despite this white glow, Leo was relatively unable to defend himself against at least the first blast and in an instant it screamed through the air and tore through the cement barrier infront of him. At almost the same time, Rakhana let loose with another shot from her weapon and it was screaming towards him now. Some of the power that the first shot contained was lost as it made impact with the stone, but nonetheless it tore through almost unimpeded; smacking home against Leo’s chest in a brilliant display of purple and orange as its energy dispersed around Leo. Just an inch before the round was set for impact, the heat which the plasma round was trying to impose upon Leo was, for the most part, rejected by the Flame Materia that was residing within the buckle of his armor. The armor pieces which took the brunt of this hit (left Pauldron & pectoral and upper abdominal plates) were covered in flakes of pitch black soot where the paint had been burned away; exposing brilliantly colored pearlescent emerald streaks to the air where the paint had crackd away. As the energy was forced around him, Leo could feel stings and stabs of pain on his face as he was pelted with strings and strands of the deflecting power; lining his face with a dozen strand like blisters. The impact of the shot slamming home with his hand had sent Leo into a back pedal which his left foot was already shifting back to correct, while his right hand lurched through the air in what could be seen as an attempt to regain his balance; a white, smoky aura surrounding his open palm. The second round that Rakhana had fired smacked home just shortly after the 1st; but just before impact had been made it was met by a previously unseen wall made of several translucent, white hexagonal sections. As the plasma made contact with this wall there was a brilliant flash of bright light followed by an ethereal shattering sound as the hexagonal sections scattered to the wind; carrying the energy of the plasma along with it. It was only the kinetic force of this round that would have any kind of impact on Leo, adding to the backwards momentum which had already caused him to backpedal. With a trust of his left foot down, Leo transferred his weight upon it so that it would act like a pivot; his body twisting in a quick blur of motion that would allow the third shot to careen passed his body and into the sky. Leo would allow this spin to continue until he had spun around 360 degrees in only a half second, allowing his knees to bend during this spin so as to remove himself from the woman’s view. When the spin had finished, Leo’s armor was quick to dislodge three of the magical orbs to which it held; the Flame Materia in his buckle, the Barrier Materia in the Pauldron and the Ice Materia still resting within the strap on his left bicep . Before the orbs had traveled even an inch Leo was rearranging them; swapping the flame and Barrier Materia with one another and placing the Ice Materia into the last free slot on his weapon, which was instantly covered in a thin layer of frost. Meanwhile, beneath the Guardians Pauldron, a brief glimmer of light began to glisten. [I][color=00aeef]I just need a little time…[/color][/I] Leo thought quickly to himself; his mind picking apart the situation with minimal timing. With naught but a simple flick of the wrist, Leo’s blade would glide through the air infront of him with a blur and a soft metallic [I]pi-ing[/I] as it met the guardrail and slid through it like a hot knife through soft butter; simultaneously releasing the Ice Materia which had been stored within. With another blurred movement Leo’s right hand was thrust forward and a massive gale was born at the palm of his hand and tore down towards Rakhana. The sliced slab of concrete had only begun to shift out of it’s position when the temperature of the air around it took a sudden substantial drop, and a myriad of ice crystals began growing rapidly upon its surface until they became one large and thick piece of vibrant blue ice. As soon as the gale from his right hand slipped over the frozen stone, it joined with the ice Materia still present in the air and sent a wave of freezing air towards Rakhana around 60mph. In a mirror opposite of what Rakahana could do, Leo had released a massive cold front fueled by Ice Materia directly at his opponent; which would start out as wide as the swing that called it to life but would widen very quickly to a massive wave as it tore towards the ground below. Placing 6 feet between the woman and safe ground in whatever direction she would choose to move to. On this day, with the bitter sting of winter already heavy in the air, Rakhana would be facing a cold front that boasted temperatures just shy of -400 degrees Fahrenheit; more than cold enough to coat everything it touched in a thick layer of frost and ice as it traveled.