Amartia is a the former CEO of the once critically acclaimed Sindustries. He was born under a hangman's tree from the rotting remains of an ancient corpse fertilized by the local town creep Vestec. Said town creep returned nine months later to retrieve the result, took one look at him, gagged, carried him to the Whorphanage, and left him. Born a badass, Baby-Amartia badasses his way through life and badasses his company into existence. Local creep father returns sayin he's proud of his son but he's just lookin for money. Amartia has a friend named Keriss he is a dick too cause he's secretly in love with his father. Because of his inner turmoil, Amartia turns too cocaine given to him by his uncle. In a rage, he destroys his company by over loading the servers with porn. He's now homeless and the local town creep. Currently in the market for a job….