I will try to get some cultures for you to look over tommorow but heres what I have so far One is kinda a fusion of Rome (especially byzantine) and China, a multiethnic culture that has in the past covered a large portion of the world. they have had influences on religion, culture, and language. They are from fairly far east however and never really truly controlled the lands this is taking place in. For this nation, Religion and Government were intertwined with the Heavenly beurocracy. Rather than having a king, they had a Pontifex, which acquired the title through complicated political maneuvering. One of the greatest things they gave to the world is the Common Tongue spread by its missionaries. Teaching people the common tongue of "the civilized world" was seen as more important than teaching the preceps of religion. The Religion of this nation is somewhat pantheistic, Venerating countless spirits of both the natural and human world. Magic practiced by this nation often involves bargaining with these spirits. This is the one I have the most work done on as I have used varients of it before. While the soldiers of this nation are "ok" and nowhere near the most elite warriors the world has to offers, the logistics of the military is legendary. They have skilled messengers (sometimes using arcane means to communicate tactical information) and use a mixture of mundane and arcane supply methods (such as having shamans bargain with the spirits of the land, the civilization will give the spirit a favor in return for food and protection for example.) Women occupy high roles in society (Gender ratios of Pontifex are fairly even), possibly because of in the ancient history of the cultures of the area, women were often in charge of managing households while the men were engaged in physically demanding work. I am still deciding on a name.