[@Ktyhrea] Adam could see her thinking like she had in the dining hall, hesitating like she wanted to do or say something but just wasn't quite sure. He watched as she fumbled with her hands, and realized what she had been thinking about. Was it not normal for them to hold hands? As the walked out and she explained what the reservior was, Adam gave a nod. They continued on, in silence and not holding hands. It made Adam uncomfortable, as he felt much more comforted when they were holding hands. As they began to walk up the stairs, she tripped and hit her head on the next stair. Adam drew in a quick breath, quickly rushing to her side. Perhaps, too quickly for a human. He looks to where she hit her head. There was no outside wound, but an inside one. Instinctively, he reached out to softly graze his thumb over it. This caused the two of them to be on the same level and much closer to each other. He doesn't laugh at her joke, concerned for her well-being. He looks into her eyes, the two of them face to face. It take him a moment to reply to her, a small smile appearing on his face before he does so. "Ah, yeah. We can do that. I wouldn't want you being hurt more than you realize, although you might just have a small concussion," he says in a small voice, still looking at her. Why was he so drawn to this human girl like this?