[@Lightning] Sure thing! So basically nothing too important has happened. Sparrow made some killer muffins that everyone loved, Brielle helped Lucile (I know I spelt that wrong) get in to the city after a guard named Derrick was a total ass to him. Adam, a demon who has a human form, came into the city and got a bit of a tour from Sparrow, now they're headed outside the walls of the city. Meanwhile Brielle, Lucile (I'm so sorry, I'm on my phone and can't check the spelling of his name!) and Eden, one of the children's teachers, are finishing up breakfast and then Eden is going to work on some training techniques with Brielle and Lucile is going to watch. Oh, and there is a creepy guy watching everyone who is going to be confronted by Sparrow and Adam very soon, his name is Ysran but they don't know that yet. Think that's about it.