There was an energy and excitement buzzing in Telius that he hadn't felt in a long time. Here he was in the capital city, about to witness the choosing of the next Knights. Of course, like many, he had the desire to become one, but he also knew that there were so many better warriors out there than he. He was young and though he had seen his fair share of battles, was still inexperienced. He had never seen the hardship of war or fought in a battle that had lasted more than a few hours. There were plenty more than he that would make a better choice. Telius stood surrounded by other members of various noble families, many of which he was forced to know personally. Since he was marrying age, quite a few of the unmarried noblewomen around his age had been coming up to him to chat. He had polite conversation with them, but also politely told them he wasn't interested. He hated the concept of marrying for politics rather than for love. Something he had protected his sisters from passionately. Two of them were happyily married to noblemen that had properly courted them, and that they had fallen for. As was usual, the choosing started with the scroll of Light. Telius was surprised to see someone so young chosen. He sort of understood choosing someone around his age, but this looked like a child wearing his father's armor. It confused the warrior greatly. "Next is the scroll of Spirit." The announcer continued, picking up the next scroll in the line. He cracked the seal and read the name inside. "Telius Arden, you are the next Knight of Spirit." All Telius could do was stand there in shock for a moment, barely even registering the cheers around him. He couldn't believe it, why choose him? There were no doubt much better fighters out there. Like the boy before him, Telius moved through the crowd, ascended the stairs, accepted the scroll, and stood before the banner for the element of Spirit. Though unlike the boy, Telius' face was the perfectly blank mask that he had trained at his whole life. None of the confusion, concern, and doubt that swirled through his mind showed through on his face.