[h3][b]Joseph Briggs[/b][/h3] [b]December 2, 2027 Sierra-Armstrong[/b] [hr] [b]"Oi thas right julie give 'et to her!" [/b] Private Darcy yelled out to Private Bella who threw a punch right into Private Gavarask's face, the soldier fell as Bellia mounted the younger man and began to throw punches right into his face. Gavarask a lanky white soldier begins to bleed from his nose and mouth as Bella, a lean butch of a woman pounds into his face. The pounding only lasts a few minutes as Gavarask starts to beg and grovel, his face dribbling blood and spit as Bella dismounts from the man. [b]"That will teach you to try and touch me, piss baby." [/b]She says before spitting onto Gavarask, Bella then begins to walk back to the Garrison. Bella stood at about six feet, tall for her height as she was a walking brute. The tanned girl was about twenty years old, brown hair blue eyes compared to Gavarask who was only eighteen years old. Skinny, pale as a piece of chalk with buzzed blond hair. He wasn't much to look at now as he laid crumpled up on the grass. Briggs stood off to the side with Darcy as the two had observed the fist fight - well beat down as Gavarask was scared of hitting women but he sure liked to try and touch them. It had been a while since everyone has been down through the hole in the wall. There was a gap between the make shift wall that surrounded Sierra Armstrong, right behind the Garrison the spot lay out of the eyes of most guards. Except a few, and maybe Novak - they wouldn't of let him leave right? When Briggs found the gap and shared it with a few guardsmen the conclusion was drawn that Novak must have found or made the gap to leave. It was a way out, to a nice forest at least and that's where the four guardsmen visited once a week. Briggs leaned on a tree beside Darcy as the two guardsmen fought it out on the grass, he tried to maintain a neutral look as he watched the beating Gavarask. Things had been smoother since Novak left, for them at least since Novak had left. Besides some small disturbances, and Ollie Sierra-Armstrong was relatively peaceful, or so it seemed. [b]"Let's wrap it up, we don't have much time until breakfast and we should be back when they wake us up in the [i]morning.[/i][/b]" Briggs says as he makes his way back to the gap, Darcy begins to follow in tow [b]"Rioght rioght, one 'ella of fight eh?"[/b] Darcy joked, his accent cutting into the air as he spoke. Darcy put a hand on Briggs's shoulder [b]"Mm, it made my day that's for sure Troye."[/b] Briggs chuckled as re-entered the wall to Sierra-Armstrong, the three soldiers soon followed in tow. Albeit, Gavarask slowly trudges behind the group as he is the last to come through. It doesn't take long before the group makes its way back to the mess hall in the Garrison. The group formed around Mr. Collins, it didn't take too long for him to distribute the rations. Private Bella was too masculine for him cat call, or perhaps it was the fact she would beat his ass if he did. Regardless, the soldiers went to sit down at one of the vacant tables. It doesn't take long for them to lock their legs under the plastic cafeteria table as they sit down on the benches. [b]"Tha' fat fuck was lookin' at me funny eh?"[/b] Troye gestures towards Mr. Collins [b]"You want to jump him, like we got the time or commitment for it? I think there is a better fight to pick, Darcy."[/b] Briggs bites into the stale food while his eyes drift over to Bella, she begins to stare him down before he quickly looks away. [b]"Guys. I'm gonna go get treated, I think you broke my nose again - Bella."[/b] Gavarask whines before taking his ration, he then leaves the table while Bella grunts. [b]"Fuckin' faggot." [/b] She spits out while Troye and Briggs bite their tongues and remain quiet, enjoying their food in the solace while the cafeteria continues to be as ever lively and vibrant without their discussion. About ten minutes later of silence and eating, a scene breaks out at the ration line as Mr. Collins. [b]"Ey look Collins is tryin' to rape that julie!"[/b] He taps Briggs on the back and points to Mr. Collins who barks something at Kait. [b]"Oh shit."[/b] Briggs muttered to himself before he found himself putting a hand on Bella's shoulder as she tried to get up. She pushed Briggs back who fell into Troye [b]"My oatmeal!"[/b] Troye roars out loud as he spills the food on his ACUs. While Briggs is busy tending to Troye, Gavarask walks up with a patched up face and an even more grimmer frown on his face than usual. [b]"Damian Novak is back."[/b]