Ayailla awoke before the rising of the sun, she found herself in the small room that she was given the use of the evening before. She had finally worked up the courage to approach the guards that were posted outside the village of Sanctuary. The half-breed had been met with caution and a bit of hostility, however, due to the king's decree she was allowed entry to the village with an armed guard at her back and a promised interview with the king at his leisure. She had been so surprised to see so many humans gathered, that she hadn't took the village layout when she was escorted to the residential area, it was a lot to take in all at once. However, as they had made their way through the village she heard the phrase "mutt" being whispered from the common folk. Her mother had warned her of the slur that humans would call her if she had ever met one but she never gave it much thought til then. The Hybrid found her feet on the dirt floor of her room and stretched out, it had been pitch black and even with her incredible night vision she had trouble seeing much. She held out a hand and produced a small flame to get a good look at her quarters. It had been carved into the mountain and size enough for one, it was very modest...even cozy. The half-breed found a bucket of cool water and a half melted candle near her bed, using them both she was able to prepare herself for the exciting day ahead. Before leaving her lovely hovel she took out her locket with and allowed the music to play. The tune brought her back to her mothers embrace, if only for a moment. Stepping out into the brisk mountain air was wonderful, it was still early spring so having a cloak on was still acceptable, even if the cold never bothered her anyways it was a great way to hide her tail. Aya sighed and tapped the horns on her head, "There's no hiding these," she says to herself. Just than a female human walked up to her, "No, there is no need to hide demon, we already know what you are." She says harshly. Aya is taken aback by the sudden hostile comment but makes no effort to reply. The woman speaks again, however, there is no malice in her voice this time, "I will be the one escorting you around this morning. Make sure to follow my instructions at all time and make no sudden moves towards the villagers, I'll show you to the dining hall first so you can eat and allow you to wonder the village for a time before my shift is up." Ayailla nods in agreement and fell in line with her head down, she was already regretting coming to Sanctuary. 'Maybe being alone is better then being somewhere no one wants you.' She thinks. As They made there way to the dining area she had gotten nasty looks and was hearing that word again, she was quickly getting the impression that the guard was their to protect her from these nasty humans that look as though they wanted to run her through. As they got closer a feeling of dread or something she couldn't quite understand was getting nearer. Finally the smells of baked goods had detracted her from her current situation and with the help of her guard she was able to get a few delicious looking foods. She had been prepared to trade some rabbit fur or herbs (medicinal and food), however, they seemed to not be interested. Aya took a look around the hall, something was off and she couldn't put a finger on it. However, Her eyes leveled with a figure shrouded with a hood of a bear, though the antlers that hinted to a fiend's hide were betrayed by how their movement didn't quite match. All it truly took was the moment their lips peeling back to expose the row of fangs that messily devoured their goods. He was the only thing that she could focus her eyes on and if anyone was sitting at the table with him she did not notice. She blinked her eyes trying to break herself out of whatever trance she was in but she couldn't make up her mind, wither to run away from or to him.