When Holden did not answer, Izzy’s lips pursed to one side in frustration, but she took the hint. She followed him silently, her gaze never shifting from him. He looked solid enough, as if he should have a normal weight for someone of his build, as slight as it was. She had the inexplicable desire to poke him to make sure he was as solid as he looked, or see if even a gentle touch would knock him off balance from his weightlessness, but she resisted the urge. When he stopped to open the door to the spacious supply closet, Izzy stopped a couple paces back. She glanced between him and it, wondering if he planned on locking her inside, or to use any other supernatural abilities his condition granted him. She had no idea what she was about to walk into, but the allure of the mystery of it, and the chance she could help him pushed her forward. She nonchalantly placed her hands in her pockets, reassuring herself she had her phone on her, just in case, so she could at least call Trevor if she [i]did[/i] get locked in. “Such a gentleman,” she offered him an uneasy smile as she walked into the room, then stepped to the side of the doorway, waiting for him to either follow, or slam the door in her face.