Luciel's eyes followed Adam out of the mess hall, only turning his head slightly as not to arouse suspicion. Shifting back, he was about to exact similar eradication upon a good portion of the muffin until his eyes stopped on the woman who was clearly staring at him. Hand poised with baked confection, his eyes locked with hers and lips sliding along a horrific maw until coming to an otherwise pursed tactfullness as he took a bite. Pupils dilated to a degree as Luciel stood. Horns, her eyes...why was she staring? Did she have any idea what she was even doing? A brief glance to the armed woman with crossed arms looking between the two spelled out enough as Luciel caught himself quick enough to grab his plate and make it look like a simply awkward motion in the direction to so boldly assert seconds. With only a nibble into a muffin and half a slice of ham remaining, he passed by the undisguised halfbreed. In the motion, he offered a smile while respectfully keeping his eyes on her face and unintentionally meeting hers with nervous pupils sharpened like blades. Thankfully, she was still close enough to be within earshot while he pretended to be lost in decision. Proximity enough to hear the small inhale through the hooded Luciel's nose before he softly spoke, [color=8882be]"Ssssthhhho..."[/color] An excited flicker of a forked tongue accenting the boldness of the mutt in addressing the halfbreed demoness. He paused from perusing the goods of the table to roll his shoulders and set the loaded backpack and game bag down. The curiosity was unable to be managed, her scent was an oddity as it was mired in something rich to the near point of bitterness and the faintest hint of hollow sweetness that the 'Adam' character carried. Intriguing uniqueness, he had no clue what to say, though offered a soft smile before continuing, [color=8882be]"Vaht isss ssomeone like you doing here?"[/color] while making unlikened gestures as if he was making a different conversation. Lifting the ham on his plate with a single finger before letting it fall as if he was commenting on the food, he proceeded to comment on the food, anyway. [color=8882be]"Iz far unlike zeh bake I make. Choices, ah? All at once"[/color] he mentioned in a hushed tone, spurred to make conversation with the creature, though unsure where to go...only where to start. Game was baked into a sourdough and eaten with the vegetable stew he made from what he had. It was simple, but he found it tasty with a few shredded spices left to steep in the pot. Awkward as it was to simply stare, it was only polite to requite her engagement with acknowledgement and small talk. [color=8882be]"And that human is your keeper, today?"[/color] he asked, gripping an apple in hand and turning it slightly before giving it a shake and a small laugh that was half forced. [@Lightning][@LadyinInk][@WhiteMoths]