If there's anything else I can add, please tell. [hider=My character] Name: Elliot "Eddie" Harley Age: 48 Strengths: Engineering and mechanical repairs. Weakness: He is very tall, burly and slow. He is not much of a fighter, and does not do much field work, resorting himself to being the brains of whatever team he's assigned to. Personality: A stoic, but rather gently man with a deep care for his daughter, Emily Harley. When ghosts started cause trouble, he was skeptic at first. However, when Emily started to be attacked by one of them, he decided to do some research on how to use the development of technology to get them and protect his daughter from danger. Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a3/6f/07/a36f07c9dee201a4835e4c921fd1433f.jpg[/img] [/hider]