[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VpPMa7B.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wd6I9yK.png[/img][h3][color=a36209][b]Group 1[/b][/color] [color=a36209]Location:[/color] Outside || [color=a36209]Action:[/color] Being a Perv || [color=a36209]Mood:[/color] 👉👌 [/h3][color=a36209]Interacting with:[/color] Kaleo [@Tenma Tendo], Targilde [@Mae], Ignatus [@Paddiecake][/center] Right. First thing the butler did was to notice the spear. And you would think that Kain, after seeing how the other man was lugging around a pale, half-conscious girl, would have the grace and sense to keep on track. Not a chance. That line was ripe for the picking. [color=a36209]"Yeah, it's even bigger up close. I know, I know."[/color] The mercenary affirmed with a wide grin, his voice echoing with the promise of laughter in circumstances less dire. [color=a36209]"'S what they all say."[/color] His good humor failed to leave the lines of his mouth even as he surveyed their ragged, bloodied group. Ah, what a mess. It was some comfort the beasts were giving them space though. He made an odd, deep noise at the back of his throat, shoulders rising in time with his breath. It sounded suspiciously akin to a snicker. Kain's eyes narrowed all of a sudden. [color=a36209]"I'm lending you people this thing. Don't think of trying to stab me with it, or some other shit idea. I'll hate you, everyone else will hate you, and there will be crying. It'll be a bad time for all of us in general. Got it?"[/color] He thrust the spear towards the others, whomever of them was willing to take it, and glanced again at the treeline. The monsters were still prowling about, no doubt waiting for a chance to strike again. He shouldn't have found the situation funny; things that retreat only do so either because they're waiting for you to die off on your own, or because they have another card in their repertoire. Something was wrong. He didn't know if it was with him or everything else, and that was pretty damn irritating. [color=a36209]"I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest we keep moving. Don't want to patch Blondie upwind a buncha carnivorous beasties, right?"[/color] He jerked his chin towards the opposite direction and gazed at his fellows. He still had his longbow at the ready, though. Just in case. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/u9WS2qY.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/9upNyBY.png[/img][h3][color=F6CCDA][b]Group 5[/b][/color] [color=F6CCDA]Location:[/color] Flying Train || [color=F6CCDA]Action:[/color] Soaring, Flying 🎶 || [color=F6CCDA]Mood:[/color] Concerned [/h3][color=F6CCDA]Interacting with:[/color] Druuk [@Duskshine749], Michael [@Burthstone], and Shinies [@Mae][/center] [color=F6CCDA]"I think I'm getting the hang of it!"[/color] Seona exclaimed in delight, though her joy was dampened a bit with chagrin when she realized that her new acquaintance was the one keeping her grounded. Offering no other comment regarding their current physical closeness, the young lady bobbed her head and murmured, [color=F6CCDA]"I apologize for the inconvenience I am causing you, Michael."[/color] Still, she felt as though she was now less likely to bounce from side to side. How odd. The weightlessness felt as though it were absent from her bones, and the act of floating was more a mental task than a physical routine. It was quite a difficult concept. She supposed it was how a fish would feel if they were given feet in exchange of flippers one random day. The noblewoman was startled out of her thoughts when a new arrival joined the two of them. Unable to give a formal bow, Seona settled for greeting Druuk with a nod and a welcoming smile. [color=F6CCDA]"Greetings. I am Sinéad, of the Argents. And you must be?"[/color] At first she wondered if he was irritated- she [i]did[/i] just barrel through his compartment like a drunken fishwife- but then a chorus of silvery voices pierced the otherwise tranquil atmosphere of their carriage. Seona turned to Michael when the curious little creatures all but vibrated in place from their excitement, [color=F6CCDA]"I have to say I'm quite worried about this, dear sir. 'Most probably' is still a probability."[/color] She gave him a gentle pat over their clasped hands, implying in what must have passed for a polite and grateful manner that she was ready to let go. With a sigh of resignation, Sinéad tidied up her appearance before lowering the volume of her voice, until it was barely heard above the song of the ethereal stardrops. With their proximity to each other, both men ought to have heard her words even so.[color=F6CCDA]"Nobility are a poisonous lot. Let's hope this King Regulus is far more amicable than his human counterparts, hm? Or at least as playful as that adorable blip over there."[/color] The last part was uttered with some fondness for the starling who had grown quite attached to Druuk, and was now weaving around him with a restless vigor.