[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1DWx27B.png[/img][/center] Of course it was because of monsters, she thought to herself in resignation. This trip was getting more and more dangerous with each passing second. She would need to prepare. Finishing her supper quickly she then bid her goodbyes to those still at the table and, after a quick stop at the pharmacist's boutique, headed for the room she was staying in. There she began to prepare a powerful sedative from the ingredients she had purchased. They were supposed to bring the thing back alive, and injecting the serum she had made into it would hopefully knock it out cold. Of course, that relied upon getting the beast in a position to be injected with the stuff without it ripping her head of. She also hoped that it wasn’t bigger than a bear, because that is the upper limit of concentration she could make with what she had. Anything bigger might get drowsy but would fail to be knocked out. The tranquilizer prepared and carefully stored in her bag she got into bed for some much needed rest. [hr] While they were all getting up and ready the next day she checked in on Gradon. As they were leaving the inn she found her way to his side briefly and asked [color=FFC1B3]“How’s your head feeling today?”[/color] [hr] The next day’s events brought the previous night's conversation about leaving it to the adults back to the forefront again, with the Princesses suggestion of putting the leadership of the group to a vote. She wondered if they should they give authority to someone they trusted and knew better [s]than the princess[/s] than Ires or should they leave command with the person who knew the most about what was going on. She had to agree with Farris on her assessment of who would be most suited among the cadets, though for completely different reasons, Gradon had rallied a lot of the cadets into an organised defence during the attack yesterday. It kind of depended on whether he was up to the task after his repeated head injuries of the previous day. The other options, in her opinion, where Leon and Tzi because she either did not trust the others to be in charge due either to finding them scary or inexperienced, or she simply didn’t know them well enough to make an assessment. It would probably be prudent to find out who was actually interested in the position however. Continuing Farris’s trend of thinking out loud she commented. [color=FFC1B3]“It might be a good idea to find out who actually wants to lead before voting. Also I’m not sure if a monster is going to be smart enough to take out our command structure like that. If it does it might be wise to have a second in command as a backup for if the leader gets injured.”[/color] In regards to Tzi’s question she answered more directly with [color=FFC1B3]“I think we should set up camp first and vote second. Gives us some time to think about who to vote for or whether we want that position ourselves.”[/color] Also having a nice fire to sit around sounded like a lovely thing to have after their long march.