[color=7bcdc8]"Hm, alright, well if you need anything just ask one of the guards. They keep track of most everything here."[/color] Sparrow shrugs, the uncomfortable feeling still hanging in the air. She forces a small smile and turns on her heel to go back to Adam, the skirt of her dress flaring out as she turns. Her eyes light up when she sees Adam right behind her, and she glances over her shoulder at the cloaked man. [color=7bcdc8]"Let's go, I'd rather not stick around to see what he's up to. Something seems off about him,"[/color] she whispers, her lips nearly brushing against Adam's ear as she leans in close in an attempt to keep the stranger from hearing her words. She slips her hand into Adam's instantly feeling more relaxed by his side, and she looks out over the trading booths, searching for the woman with the medical supplies. Across the room, closer to the tunnel which leads down to the main entrance, a woman wraps an older man's leg with a pale white cloth. Sparrow sees them after searching for a moment and lead's Adam in the direction of the booth. She pauses half way over as the room spins, but after taking a few deep breaths she calms down enough to walk the rest of the way. Before she speaks to the woman she turns to Adam, a grateful smile on her lips. [color=7bcdc8]"Thank you for being so understanding. I promise this will be the last stop,"[/color] she says, laughing a bit and releasing his hand. She steps towards the woman who finishes tending to the man's leg and turns in her direction. [color=7bcdc8]"Oh goodness Dearie, what in heavens name happened to you?"[/color] Sparrow forces a strained smile as the woman guides her to a stool in the booth and examines her head. The once light purple spot on her head had turned a darker, more angry looking color, and the woman frowned. A cold cloth was placed on her head, and while the woman rifled through her things Sparrow watched Adam. Her head was pounding and making it hard to think, things that really shouldn't be moving seemed to spin around her. He, however, was the one thing she could focus on. She wasn't sure why, but while everything else was either moving or fuzzy or both, he was still and made her feel calm and in less pain. [color=7bcdc8]"You'll likely be alright,"[/color] the woman says, but her tone hinted that she wasn't entirely certain of that. [color=7bcdc8]"Take it easy for a while, nothing too taxing, and if you can, try and stay out of the kitchen for a few days. You need to rest."[/color] Sparrow nods, standing slowly and placing the cloth that she had been holding on her head on the stool. She brushes her hands down her skirt and frowns. A mirror across from where she stands shows the deep purple spot on her forehead and she sighs before pulling the hood of her cloak over her head, hiding most of her face in the shadows, before walking back over to Adam. [color=7bcdc8]"Ready to finally get out of here?"[/color] [@GoodLuckTuck][@Lord Orgasmo]