[@Tessaract] 4-5 years it is then. I'll probably take some time to add a small amount to detail her personality soon, as other applications have something like it built in. One thought was for her to be a bit cat like. Nosey, curious, somewhat friendly, a little whimsical, has a surprising amount of wisdom. Then contrasted with hints of sadism, thrill of a hunt or chase, when it comes to combat. I would go with Hawk or Eagle like... but they tend to be complete assholes, even when loyal. And we already got a Rocket Raccoon for that. [@vietmyke] Mmm I can see the reasons for him by his personality being pay is more reliable (Unlikely to get a high burst pay, or a low pay. And you know you are going to get paid instead of a shiv in the kidney). The access to cheaper supplies that krews tend to benefit from. A secure roof over your head, assuming guild halls are a thing. And a better mortality rate than an average lone scavenger, or a duo. And High Risk jobs normally have high rewards. TLDR: Reliable Pay that averages to more. Risk is equal to reward. Slightly less chance of dying. A homestead you're not paying for. Cheaper access to junk to tinker with.