[@Ktyhrea] As Sparrow leaned in close to Adam, his heart sped up. She whispered in his ear, and Adam rolled his eyes and gave a small laugh. Like he hadn't just told her that. Her hand fell into his, and he held it as she guided him away. [b][i]"Thank you for being so understanding. I promise this will be the last stop."[/i][/b] Adam gave a nod, willing to wait for Sparrow. Like he thought, it wasn't anything too terrible. It would heal. As she was being tended to, Adam simply looked at her and admired her. He couldn't stop doing that. What was wrong with him? She looked over at him and he looked surprised and a little embarrassed for being caught staring at her. He looked down at his feet, and then gave a smile as he looked back up at her. [b][i]"Ready to finally get out of here?"[/i][/b] Adam nodded again. "At least you won't have to fake being sick to get out of the kitchen," he says with a grin as he takes her hand once more. "Now, show me this place you've been talking about taking me to but have yet to actually do."