When Adam takes Sparrow's hand a tingly feeling runs up her hand, through her arm, and puts an even bigger smile on her face. [color=7bcdc8]"I've been trying to show you, I swear!"[/color] Her laugh rings through the room and she pulls him towards the main entrance of the mountain. She pauses for a moment as she passes the guards. [color=7bcdc8]"We'll be back before dark,"[/color] she says cheerfully before letting go of Adam's hand and turning to face him. [color=7bcdc8]"Wanna race? The gate to the lower city is straight ahead for a few hundred feet. I bet I can beat you there!"[/color] Down in the outdoor part of the city the small market district hums with life as carts are rolled and pulled through the streets, and a rainbow of colored cloaks brush past each other. She plants her hands on her hips, leaning towards him excitedly and practically bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. [color=7bcdc8]"My class used to race down here, just watch out for the carts."[/color] Despite being told not to do anything strenuous, Sparrow felt a surge of energy rush through her, like she could do anything at that moment. Her head still hurt, but focusing on Adam made it not so bad. [@GoodLuckTuck]