Okay, done some editing [@Mae] [hider=Thran / Izar'Alonoway, The Everstar / God of Starlight, Caretaker of the Stars][center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8e/f5/b6/8ef5b616552b1b29251d374336ec975e--fantasy-art-male-fantasy-warrior.jpg[/img] [color=lightcyan]⍚ THRAN [/color] ⥥ [color=lightyellow]29[/color] ⥥ [color=lightcyan] MALE [/color]⥥ [color=lightyellow] HETEROSEXUAL ⍚ [/color] [h3][color=lightcyan]"In your darkest hour, remember the stars, for they are always watching."[/color][/h3][/center] [center] [h1][color=cyan][b]𝔐[/b]y [b]𝔐[/b]ortal [b]ℭ[/b][i]𝔬𝔦𝔩[/i][/color][/h1] [/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]A[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=lightcyan] Thran is exceptionally handsome by human standards. He stands at about six feet, two inches and is fully erect at all times because posture is important with someone of his stature. His lithe build fills him out nicely. He has no tattoos, and no piercings. Several scars can be seen throughout his body, small and out of mind but from the many experiences in his life. One large ghastly looking scar etched into his left arm is a constant reminder of his banishment. His face remains blemish and scar free to date. His clothing style can't be fully expressed right now, he just wears what will keep him warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The mark of the curse rests above his left bicep. The mark itself is of a small star that is slightly darker then his skin color. When he activates his abilities for the first time, the star turns blue. As he uses his abilities, the star erupts like a solar flare, growing sporadically across his skin. [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]P[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=lightcyan] Thran is a sympathetic soul, cast into a cruel world of harsh realities. His own experiences have created an individual who would care for those he knows little about simply because it is the right thing to do. He cares little for violence as such, but is no stranger to it, and usually takes a refined approach to confronting an issue. He enjoys talking to people all the same, as it brings him some sanity from his lonely lifestyle. He is full of compassion and doesn't like to start arguments with people, but will hold his ground on subjects he deems necessary to uphold. He'll try his best to stop any type of confrontation before it turns ugly with his voice of reason. He rarely takes sides in any case. He is a solemn figure when he needs to be, but prefers to make jest of bad situations and bring laughter to dark times. He is no stranger to broken things, as he is chief among them. As such, even though he lives as a lone wolf, he is usually starved for human contact but can't seem to reason moving into a tribe again. His mistrust for any type of clan, not individuals, comes from his own banishment and betrayal. Thran cares little for the many aspects of clan life, but he'd be fool to forget that their is safety in numbers. Above all else, Thran care for people and doesn't like to see needless pain and suffering.[/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]B[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] I O G R A P H Y[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=lightcyan] Upon the night of Thran's birth, a shooting star crossed the sky with whispers of good omens to come for Clan Durok. His father was third in line for chiefdom at the time of his arrival, and proclaimed his first born son, Thran Dromunson Durok. His mother was a pretty thing called, Ravia, a hunter's daughter. Thran was Fourth in line for chiefdom, Starborn and above all else, healthy much to his parents profound joy. His Tribe was one of the largest in the area, calling the grassy plains their home and everything that was in sight, theirs. One day, if he lived long enough, it would be all his by right. His early childhood was marked with little activity other then the day task of surviving. Each was counted as a blessing, and just another step in his progression to an adult. His curiosity for the mysteries of the world were unfounded and he learned much through careful teachings from his parents and other tribesmen. As the days turned into months and the months turned into years, his chances of reaching maturity got better until it was simply known as fact that he would remain healthy enough. During his upbringing his mother and father had three more children, with only one lost in infancy. The second born, his first sibling, was a girl named Delani whose wild walnut colored hair portrayed her personality perfectly. The third born was another son, Tilok who was known for his brash attitude and a general troublemaker. The fourth born of his parents was a girl, her name was Lilan but now she rests with the ancestors in the Great Plains up above. With his siblings, they endured much together but became strong because of it. Upon the day of his seventeenth birthday, he was ushered into adulthood with a celebration, and a great feast along with several others. The ceremony that came after was long and dull, but at the end, Thran was officially considered an adult and allowed the privileges that it entitled. He could now talk at tribe moots, have his own home and belongings and find a wife to continue the Durok line. For a couple of years Thran lived in his families home, until chiefdom was passed onto his father. It was a dark tragedy that befell his family, both his grandfather and uncle perished while out hunting for the White Elk. With a heavy heart, his father took the responsibilities of chiefdom and they moved houses, while Thran then took over the families home- his home. Three years passed by with little note. Thran watched his brother and sister join adulthood, voiced his opinion on the various goings of the tribe, and was content with doing the daily tasks required of him. Whether hunting with friends, or building a hut for a family. The tribesmen grew to love his calm sensibility and playful muses. He however, was also the subject of great scrutiny for he had not found a wife yet and no heirs had been born to him. His brother in the meantime, already had a small family started with a lovely wife from a distant tribe. He was proud to be an uncle. His sister in the meantime, was married off to a different tribe for relations and he seldom saw her anymore other then the occasion feast. Then upon his twenty-third summer, another tragedy befell his family- his mother, Ravia fell to sickness. Thran mourned for seven days before being able to go on, his father however, was affected greatly. A sickness took his mind and decadence filled his heart. He took many maidens and defiled them, often sacrificing them in the name of the old gods. The tribesmen knew not what to do, their gods had given Dromun the will to be their chief, who could oppose that? It went against tradition, but Thran knew better. Upon the night of the Sacred Moon, he opposed his father outright, declaring him a vile wicked creature and a man he was no longer. Outraged, his father challenged him to a fight, and Thran agreed. They fought for several minutes, but Thran never received the oxen build his father had, or his talent with a sword and Thran was beaten to an inch of his life. His father declared Thran banished, and Tilok to be next in line for chiefdom, for unlike his dear brother, he had sons to continue the line. His tribe, turned against him then, and he was left outside of the settlement, to die alone. With great pain, Thran managed to get to his feet and leave his home behind, for good. He wandered the plains for a time, licking his wounds back to health and trying to survive at the same time. Through sheer perseverance and a little bit of luck, Thran managed to hone himself for the wilds and he has called it home ever since. He travels the land now, avoiding the dangers of nature and man alike but occasionally stopping in other tribal areas if they are friendly. [/color] [color=gold][b]Memories Retained:[/b][/color] [color=lightcyan]Ignore for now[/color] [list][*][*][*][/list][/indent] [center] [h1][color=cyan]𝔐y ℑmmortal 𝔖[i]𝔬𝔲𝔩[/i][/color][/h1] [img]https://d1o50x50snmhul.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/quantum_space_480-480.jpg[/img] [color=lightcyan]⍚ IZAR'ALONOWAY, THE EVERSTAR[/color] ⥥ [color=lightyellow]GOD OF STARLIGHT, CARETAKER OF THE STARS[/color] ⥥ [color=lightcyan] MALE [/color]⥥ [color=lightyellow] HETEROSEXUAL ⍚ [/color] [color=lightcyan][h3][quote=Unknown] There was once an ocean of stars So plentiful and full of calm light, But the only thing he had were tears As the cold dark had come bringing night, And in his ocean where he walked The stars began to fade away, Leaving only the horror of being shocked To know he would watch everything decay. [/quote][/h3][/color][/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]G[/b][/color][sub][color=gold]O D L Y A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=lightcyan][color=lightcyan]Izar took the shape of a star, whose color and shape were ever changing. He dipped into every conceivable color, from the purest of white to the darkest of red. His energy pulsated around him, and he could even control the heat he emitted if he so chose. He never took another form but it was probably well within his power to do so.[/color][/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]K[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] N O W N F O R[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=lightcyan] - The Everstar, Father of Constellations, The Bright One, Lord of Space are just a few names. - Levelheaded and singularly focused on his primary task. - More to be added. [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]F[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] O R M A T I V E M O M E N T S I N H I S T O R Y[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=lightcyan] [hider=Beginnings] Light. Glorious, hallowed light. That was the first thing Izar remembered when he came into being. It surrounded him, bathing his conscious in a multitude of bright colors and warmth, some of which he hadn't seen since. Overcome with emotion and dazzled with beauty like never before, he watched the stars as they dispersed. He felt a great love for the stars but they were fickle creatures, prone to harm and easily angered. So upon his glorious birth, he was also given a lesson upon the new reality he was born into, when a small yellow star collided into one of its brothers. The resulting explosion annihilated the two, sending their furious heat on a collision course with other stars but more importantly, into Izar. Izar screamed as the fire washed over him, sending his conscious state into a state of pain. It was a new feeling to Izar, one that prompted him into action unknowingly. He began to absorb the energy, the fire of the explosion and slowly the jabbing pain subsided. When the fire was at last gone, Izar was astonished to see that he had become a star himself, but more so then the others. The Everstar had been born, and his purpose was clearly defined. He would not only watch the stars and their beauty, but care for them in a way that kept them safe from themselves, and others. That was a long time ago, and few now remember that which was the start. Izar wandered his ocean of stars, tending to them like a Shepard would tend a flock of sheep, yet at the time there was no such thing as a Shepard, or sheep. Not all of it was pretty, as he soon became keenly aware that there were others like him, those who possessed thought on which to act upon. They were calling themselves Gods, and each one of them wielded fabulous and exotic powers, that some used for good and others not so much. Many, if not a vast majority of these Gods, took to a star that was cold and held little color, He watched them work upon it and learned, that it was not in fact a star, but a planet. Izar was told that many joyous creations would be made upon its surface but Izar cared not, for the stars were his domain and they needed his care. Unbeknownst to the others, Izar watched the stars carefully around their planet, as he would have hated to see such work go to waste from a rogue star. He even created the constellations and mimicked them after God's and Goddess he saw working upon the planet. [/hider] [hider=Disparity] He had thought that with the planet to keep the other God's occupied, they would stop meddling in his domain but he was wrong.(Will come back to this part, I've read some other cs backgrounds and some God's haven't been so kind to the stars.) [/hider] [hider=Starfall] Time did not effect Izar as it did others, he felt it as a passing motion that flowed around him. So it came as a great surprise to the Everstar when he was told by a passing lesser deity that the the Dark Gods, some enemies of the Stars, had begun to curse those who were Starkissed. Izar was taken aback by the statement, if two beings could love each other so inextricably like he loved the stars, who had the right to take away their happiness? Who had the right to damn them for all of eternity? He rushed back to the planet the other gods had tarried over so long ago to find their presence empty, or fleeting. So many he realized, had been taken by the curse, and forced to live mortal lives. He pitied them deeply, such a fate to find love and never to have it, to die over and over was quite depressing. Izar was confident however, that he would avoid such a fate as he was not Starkissed as they had been. As he began to withdraw from the planet and retreat to the Ocean of his, he stopped. Gathered before him were Dark Gods, many in number and they stared at him with malicious intent. In that moment, Izar had his doubts. The Everstar had never found love, for what greater beauty was there then the stars? Yet there they were. "What is the meaning of this?" He asked hesitantly. One of them stepped out from the others and spoke in deep tone, "The Everstar, sat high above his ocean throne. He cared for the stars all alone. Protecting them ever so fiercely. Now his fate will end quite badly. Starkissed or not, foes you have made. Now you shall simply fade." The Everstar burned brightly as the dark gods bounded towards him. He was never a fighter but he would show them a fight. Across the sky they battled, like streaks of lightning they danced. Izar killed a few, and hurt many more before he was overtaken. As the curse consumed his body, they flung him to the planet. Images flashed in his mind, and before he knew it he saw the end. The stars fading into the dark, as black swallowed everything and he wept. Somewhere in the land, a baby began to cry. [/hider] [/color][/indent] [center] [h1][color=cyan]𝔐y 𝔊ifts 𝔚[i]𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫[/i][/color][/h1] [/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]S[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] K I L L S E T[/color][/sub][/b] [i][color=lightcyan]Three General skills to start and up to two combat abilities. Due to the setting you may also have 1 Survival ability.[/color][/i] [list][*][color=lightyellow]Smooth talker- Thran has always had a knack for being able to talk his way out situations and calm people down. He is very charismatic in that regard. [/color][*][color=lightcyan]Regal- Thran has a natural air of dignity about him. Though he never flaunts it, people are more likely to do as he asks. [/color][*][color=lightyellow]Rational- Thran thinks carefully before acting, never rushing into a situation headfirst. For that would only be foolish.[/color][/list] [list][*][color=lightyellow]Nighstalker- Thran has an unnatural talent for being able to disappear in the night and not leave a trace.[/color][*][color=lightcyan]Lithe Build- He's not the strongest or largest man out there but what he lacks in physical aptitude, he makes up for by being graceful on his feet and slightly faster then most.[/color][*][color=lightyellow]Axeman- He is proficient at wielding an assortment of axes for disposal.[/color][/list] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]A[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] B I L I T I E S[/color][/sub][/b] [i][color=lightcyan]These will unlock as we continue.[/color][/i] [color=gold][b]Life Force[/b][/color]: [color=cccccc]0/0 (ignore for now)[/color] [color=gold][b]The Star's Promise: Weakest Ability[/b][/color] [color=lightcyan][i]"Look! Look up and see! The stars will show us the way!"[/i][/color] [indent] [color=lightyellow]A Dazzling Display:[/color] Thran can light up an area of his choosing in any color imaginable. The light can stick to anything and illuminates a medium sized area. Some colors show brighter then others. Fades after a short while. [color=lightyellow]Guidance:[/color] Thran uses the stars on a cloudless night for navigation. He will never get lost as long as he can see them. [color=lightyellow]Star Vision:[/color] Thran can use this ability to see clear as day, on a starry night. Cloud cover inhibits this ability as well.[/indent] [color=gold][b]The Caretaker's Burden: Moderate Ability[/b][/color] [color=lightcyan][i]"Be the change people need, not the kind that they want."[/i][/color] [indent] [color=lightyellow]Cosmic Clarity:[/color] The Caretaker can calm people and animals down with this ability. Whether it be two men on the verge of blows, or an animal about to attack. Those effected will enter a state of serenity and find their petty squabbles to be completely pointless. [color=lightyellow]The Star's Touch:[/color] With a simple touch, weak wounds are healed and moderate wounds reduced in severity. Non lethal, non-magical diseases and ailments are also permanently cured. Provides a small buff to the immune system for the next twelve hours. This ability cannot cure fatal wounds, maimed limbs or infliction difficult to treat such as magical injuries. [color=lightyellow]Suppression:[/color] Like the days of old, the Caretaker can use this ability to absorb the harmful energies emitted from a god power. The lesser the ability, the easier it is so absorb, while the opposite can be said for higher powers, and can even weaken his own life. When the energy is absorbed, the Caretaker can not use it in any shape or form. It simply vanishes from whence it came.[/indent] [color=gold]The Everstar: Strongest Ability[/color] [color=lightcyan][i]"Ah, did you see that Thran? That Shooting star? Make a wish and perhaps it will come true."[/i][/color] [indent] [color=lightyellow]Starlight:[/color] The Everstar can wield the stars energies. He can use light to make a weapon. He can then change the color and intensity of the display. The brightness emitted can blind foes but leave him untouched. [color=lightyellow]Compassion Strike:[/color] The Everstar reaches out to all of those within a square mile and awakens an overwhelming sense of compassion for those around them. Effects last for one day, and during this time an individual feels strong emotions of pity, sympathy and concern for all life that they interact with, leaving little room for any other emotion during this time. They are also strongly compelled to help others in need, even with the most mundane tasks. [color=lightyellow]The Everstar Wish:[/color] [i][color=lightcyan]The Everstar sheds his Mortal Coil for a short time, taking to his domain for but a moment. Day fades to night in an instant as he streaks across the open sky in his former glory. Any who look upon him may make a wish, but only those pure of heart may have it answered. The wish cannot reverse the effects of the curse, or bring back the deceased. Wishes will also be taken word for word and have varying levels of success depending on what is asked for. (Not sure about this one, feels a bit op but it was late when I wrote this and I didn't have any other ideas.)[/color][/i][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]I[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] N V E N T O R Y[/color][/sub][/b] [i][color=cccccc]A stone hatchet, clothing to keep him warm, and a goatskin pouch with survival items. [/color][/i] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]O[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] T H E R[/color][/sub][/b] [i][color=cccccc]Colour Code: lightyellow lightcyan cyan gold[/color][/i] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]R[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] E L A T I O N S H I P S[/color][/sub][/b] [center][b][color=lightcyan]Will you participate in the Relationship Assignment?: Sure[/color][/b] [color=lightcyan][i]This section will be replaced with a Relation Sheet.[/i][/color][/center][/hider] The Star's Touch - Added the new description for the ability Suppression: Will negate God powers. Anything under ability 2 tier 3 will be able to be suppressed, anything over that will weaken his life and possibly kill him. How does that sound? Starlight: Picked weapon and blinding utility. Picked a new ability 3 tier 2; Compassion Strike: The Everstar reaches out to all of those within a square mile and awakens an overwhelming sense of compassion for those around them. Effects last for one day, and during this time an individual feels strong emotions of pity, sympathy and concern for all life that they interact with, leaving little room for any other emotion during this time. They are also strongly compelled to help others in need, even with the most mundane tasks. The Everstar wish: Can you define what it means to be pure of heart? - A pure of heart individual does not take life without proper cause, is not malicious to others and helps people not out of selfishness, but of kindness and because it's the right thing to do. I'm also thinking that only God's would be able to make a wish. Alternatively, we drop the pure of heart bit and allow only those who have some sort of relationship with him, through the RRA process and through rp'ing, to be able to Wish. Edit: Forgot to do the tribe thing. Will get it done soon!