[center][h1]Episode 2: A Mad World[/h1][/center] [center][h3]Featuring[/h3][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][h2]Toon Girl[/h2][/color][/center] [center][h3]and[/h3][/center] [center][center][h2][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170721/d9fc195358d34648a7709d1df1db5b4e.png[/img][/h2][/center] [/center] [hr] Also tagging: [@FiroIV] & [@Experiment 249] [hr] Not much time had passed since Green Lantern went off to contain the civillians, the team in Robotman's HQ trying to gather and prepare to head out having to wait for a few members to make their way on the teleporter. But that short time where the heroes walked out trying to locate Brainwave was enough for the villain to get the best of their mentor, Green Lantern. Having fallen to the villain's sort of mind control, GL started to attack the group of heroes with fire dragons made out of his own ring energy, obviously not himself. [color=6ecff6]"Welp, this is what happens when you go off alone instead of waiting for the team vs someone who can do this kinda stuff..."[/color] Toon Girl said with a sigh, having seen this exact thing in many different movies. At least looking up at GL also revealed Brainwave nearby, floating above him and probably giving him orders. Shazam floated slightly behind Toon Girl, and observed the situation at hand. At Toon Girl's remark, he smirked. For this, he didn't need the Wisdom of Solomon to know what needed to happen next: they had to take Alan down, and they had to do it quick. There was also the problem of those massive emerald dragon constructs. . . and their fire. It seemed like even [i]with[/i] the Wisdom of Solomon, he'd be put in an odd predicament . [color=yellow]"It is clear we have to fight him."[/color] Perhaps Marvel's name should actually be Captain Obvious. He paused for a moment, and continued. Then it struck him. The dragons were just constructs; constructs can be beaten until they no longer existed. Genius. Marvel figured he would handle the dragons, and Toon Girl. . . [color=yellow]"You--you do not seem to be much of a fighter. What is it you are good at?"[/color] Looking at the big cloaked Shazam guy with a slight 'really?' look on her face, Toon Girl said. [color=6ecff6]"Oh, I'm really good at distraction, taking hits, giving super hugs, stuff like that."[/color] Though she wasn't sure what to take of being called not much of a fighter. It was kind of true, she didn't care much for it, but she wasn't bad at it. Shazam seemed to take the situation at hand more seriously than her though. Pulling out her portable hole from her dress, she said. [color=6ecff6]"So, you wanna do some punchies and stuff? I'll go and 'distract' Greenie til ya get there."[/color] Throwing her portable hole on the ground in front of her, Toon Girl jumped into it, a second hole appearing behind Alan. Since Green Lantern wasn't much himself at the moment, it was pretty safe to teleport behind him. And once behind him, Toon Girl gave him a huge hug, pinning his arms to his sides and holding on tightly since she herself couldn't fly. [color=6ecff6]"Aww, Greenie! Why are you so angry? You should be happy! You found Mr. Crazy bringer and just have to hit him with a hammer to win!"[/color] She said playfully, her tone contrast from the strength she was using to keep GL in place with her nearly constricting hug. Meanwhile, Shazam took the tops of the buildings; he hovered in the faces of both dragons, arms folded. In his eyes sparked the mystical lightning of Zeus; his arms soon followed. He bellowed out to the emerald entities, [color=yellow]"Cease, or you [i]will[/i] be put down."[/color] The dragons were unamused. They turned their fire on the Captain, who made deft dodge out of imminent harm. After managing a narrow escape, he bulleted forth, a streak of yellow lightning trailing his flight path. He reared a lightning-encoated fist back while in mid flight, and soon as he closed the distance between himself and the first of the green dragons did he thrust a devastating blow to the dragon's torso. If felled, he now had to deal with the second dragon, who had promptly sensed the peril of his kin and turned its focus on the Captain. Marvel was too slow to react, and was met with a hail of emerald blaze which not only seered his clothing, but sent him careening into a steel barrier that broke beneath the velocity of his density and did nothing to stop his inevitable crash into a steel wall atop the roof of the next building over. His body pressed a dent in the wall, he pulled himself out. This was going to be harder than he anticipated. Being under the control of Brainwave, Green Lantern wasn't going to have any of Toon Girl's shenanigans. "Why you.. GET OFF...ME..." Alan said as he tried to wiggle free from her grasp to no avail, Toon Girl just hugging tighter when he tried. Green Lantern grew impatient with the mocking nature of the little Toon Girl and in an area blast big enough to level the nearest building to them his energy burned everything in its wake.The bit of Toon Girl that was facing GL was completely covered black from the ash of the emerald fire. [color=6ecff6]"'cough' Really?"[/color] She said, as the wind blew away the bits of her that were ash, her eyes falling down to earth from the sky. Popping back to normal a moment before she hit the ground, she left a deep imprint of herself on the pavement below, a loud 'THWAK' sound being heard as she bellyfopped when she hit the pavement.