Sparrow bites her lower lip nervously before replying. [color=7bcdc8]"Well since I've been living in Sanctuary I've only been out here a couple of times. My parents raised me in a small house a few miles from here though. Off that way."[/color] She glances around and then points northeast. [color=7bcdc8]"We only came to Sanctuary after we were attacked by um... them."[/color] Sparrow quiets down after she speaks, her eyes closing for a brief moment. Then a noise rises in the distance. A low rumble, like an animal growing but not quite. Sparrow freezes. She hadn't brought any sort of weapon along with them, trusting that the forest would be free of any demons. Her eyes widen in fear and she takes a step back. Her foot comes down on a branch and it snaps noisily beneath her weight. The girl winces and lets go of Adam's hand, taking another step back before turning towards him. [color=7bcdc8]"We need to go. [b]Now."[/b][/color] The words come out in a harsh whisper, her voice thick with fear. In front of them the rumble rises to something between a screech and a scream, and within a moment the noise seems to be coming from all around them. Sparrow turns, trying to find the source of the noise. [color=7bcdc8]"Adam... W-we need to run..."[/color] [@GoodLuckTuck]