[@Mae] He looked at the girl blankly... was she serious? Who said no to free money and food? Beh, whatever, he was outta here. It had been too long since he used his actual spiritual form. Taking the money from he new arrives she handed it to the kid and left saying:[color=708090]"If you don't want em, put them back in the cash register."[/color] Just as he got out a hooded man walked back in, went to the cash register, opened it forcefully and only saw some coins in there. -[color=1b1464]"What the f.."[/color]- he looked inside the cash register more closely and wondered how could that be possible. No bank notes, no nothing, only coins..but still he took em none the less but then he saw the little girl with the cash in hand. [color=1b1464]-"Yo gurl! Did yo take dose monei form da cash register? Dey're mine, give em to me!"[/color] Now to put this body in a bench somewhere, can't just waltz out of this vessel in the street or it might harm her. Just as he got out, the woman he was possessing ran into the guy standing outside. [color=708090]"Shop's closed today."[/color]- he said quickly as he went to the nearest bench. [@Samdragonx]