[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170721/2bd25b225a53483aceef143dbae80ebb.png[/img][/center][hr][center][hider=Ade Daybreak] [img]https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-BJmWlZJJp6I/TakcxDbMIUI/AAAAAAAAXoo/lozfMxs28X0/s1600/rosie-larsen-2.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center][hr] Slowly and quietly a young woman by the name of Vallis Nato Adelinde crossed through the woods near the location that was currently base camp for her and others. She had been hunting in these woods for a little under an hour now when, by sheer luck, noticed faint tracks on the ground. She was now following the tracks while being as quiet as possible. She hadn't made a single peep since she found the tracks and finally, after about ten minutes, came across a small brook running through the forest. Near the brook, she noticed a deer drinking from the water not the slightest bit aware of Ade's presence. Slowly, Adelinde grabbed an arrow and knocked it onto her bow. Steadily she pulled the arrow back whilst lining up the shot. She waited for the deer to finish drinking and once it lifted its head Ade let the arrow fly. After the successful hunt, it had taken Ade about half an hour to get back to camp with her haul. Proud of herself she took it to Cid and left it with him. After this, she went back to her tent to rest until everyone else got back. While resting Adelinde had decided to reread the small book her family had got for her before she left. It was the only thing she took everywhere with her because it made her remember them. She's been gone for a long time but having this book has made her feel a little at ease. Soon she heard talking outside of the tent. Poking her head out she saw that Julien and his group, along with others, were now in the camp. She put the book back then exited the tent as B.R.A.X. introduced herself to the new faces. Since Julien wanted them to get to know each other she decided to introduce herself as well. [color=plum]"Hi. I'm Vallis Nato Adelinde. It is a pleasure to meet you all."[/color]