[@Ktyhrea] [i][b] "Well since I've been living in Sanctuary I've only been out here a couple of times. My parents raised me in a small house a few miles from here though. Off that way.We only came to Sanctuary after we were attacked by um... them."[/b][/i] Adam felt a pang of guilt, even though he knew it wasn't him but other demons that had attacked them. But he couldn't help but feel guilty. In his listening, he hadn't heard the forest around them quiet down eerily. He heard the growl, like thunder, and his nostrils flared. Shit. [i][b]"We need to go. Now."[/b][/i] Adam couldn't stand her being in fear like this. He heard the sounds get louder, felt the demons who were coming turn to them after her foot had snapped that twig on the ground. They were coming from all around them now. Like a pride of lions, they were going to surround them. Adam felt his heart beating faster than a human's should, his blood on edge. [i][b]"Adam... W-we need to run..."[/b][/i] They couldn't run. Well, he could. But there was no way that she was going to outrun them. And he couldn't leave her here. He quickly unsheathed his bone daggers, handing them to Sparrow without question. He was breathing heavily now, his eyes turning more dangerous. He had to protect her. It didn't matter if she hated him after. "When you see an opening, run. If they come after you, fight for me. Your life depends on it," he said, something new in the boy who seemed so quiet and innocent. There were only three of them, but they were terribly ugly creatures. "Alright ladies and gentlemen. Let's go," he spoke, more for himself than anything. Adam grew half a foot taller, and his lovely light brown hair turned a shimmering white. His green eyes turned crimson red, his pale skin turned a ghostly white. Bones grew out of his back along his spine, and a tail too. His fingers and toes turned into claws, and fangs hang outside his mouth. He let out a demonic roar, taunting for the others to come at him. The two biggest ones did, and Adam gave another yell at one. It flew back, hitting a tree with force. Adam turned to the other, beginning to slash at it. The third one waited, watching them fight. Adam continued fighting, biting the neck of the one he'd been fighting. Its body turned limp, and Adam let it fall to the ground. He turned to the one he had thrown at the tree, and the third one jumped on top of him and bit his neck. Adam began thrashing around, before forcefully falling on his back. The creature was spiked with Adam's back-ridges. The tree demon had turned on Sparrow, going for the easier of prey. Adam noticed as the demon was about to pounce on her, and leapt towards it at great speed. The two of them fought for a long time, before Adam finally slashed its brains out. The demon-boy stumbled back, bleeding on his right leg, left shoulder, neck, and stomach area. He turned around to look at Sparrow, and let out a noise that sounded like he was trying to say her name before he fell on the ground. His demonic-form faded back to human. His shirt was torn apart, and his pants had a few rips in them too. He was bleeding terribly. After a moment of stillness, and flipped over onto his back with a yell of pain. Tears fell out of his eyes from the pain and he stared at the sky, out of breath and out of energy.