At least on a small level, Luciel could understand the issue with open hostilities, nodding lightly in recognition. [color=8882be]"Iz understandable"[/color] he commented, giving up on trying to recompose the local accent and instead allowing the words to simply form. He could empathize with her loneliness, though was a bit stunned by her outwardness regarding her family. While he normally would try not to pry, she seemed more than willing to simply lay the cards out. [color=8882be] "M-my condolences..."[/color] Luciel offered, their expression shifting to a mild frown before attempting to change the subject by discussing business. [color=8882be]"I am...unsure...if I vould vahnt to live here. I brought some produce to town as a gift, zough a famine of gratitude plagues hearts..."[/color] his own explanation came, once again touching the small silver cross as a small reminder to himself of why he was there. A brief shake of his head freed them from the thought as he gestured for her to get some breakfast for herself as he didn't want to keep them from the lavish bounty that humanity had provided for their people. [color=8882be]"Ehn, yeh! Iz like a fiend, ah?"[/color] he replied to the question about his disguise. Normally, it would be his cue to bolt if anyone saw through it, though the company was in a similar situation in stature. There was no sense in denying what she apparently could see through. [color=8882be]"Iz...a bit varm for zeis place, zough..."[/color] Luciel softly chuckled, using a hand to shift it once more. The guard for the creature he'd just met seemed tense by his presence and while he was compelled to understand, surely she could see their surroundings. If either of them had ill intentions, surely no place would be better than wading through civilians to do so. It wasn't like he was a bad influence or anything, just that he was boundlessly curious of seeing another mutt in town. [@Lightning]