[@Mae] Aki could not believe his ears. First, she was going to deny him the torture of a homeless child. Next she would make it hard for him to get away with a pure cup and insult his person. And after aaaallll that, this unnoble, ungrateful, overweight, middle-aged, genderfluidly triggered poor excuse for a SERVANT would deny him the chance to make up for his mistakes and righteously buy a Sandcake as a means of recompense!!!!! Also, she stepped on his shoes on the way out. Aki lost it. [i]"Closed?"[/i] He whispered.. A split second later, a mangled ball of what used to be a dumpster with cats in it, came shattering through the cakeshop doorframe. Parts of the wall that held the door started flying everywhere. A hooded man inside saw a door heading for his head. [@Bishop] Aki came in flying after with a few seconds of delay.