[@Ktyhrea] [b][i]"You don't look like a demon." "You don't act like a demon either." "Demons don't protect people. They kill them. They killed my mother. They tried to kill me. You're not one of them. You're not a demon. You're lying. A half-breed, maybe, but not a demon. I don't believe you. Don't lie to me..."[/i][/b] Adam looked over to Sparrow, watching as she curled up on the ground. As she began crying, it shook Adam's core. He slowly walked over to her, cautiously leaning down next to her. He doesn't want to do anything that would do wrong by her. "B-Believe it. I was a demon, created to look human. How do you think half-breeds happen, Sparrow?" It hurt him to see her like this and hurt him more to know that it was his cause. He opened his arms to her, in case she needed comforting. He didn't know what to do. Why were humans so complicated? "Please, [i]Sparrow[/i]," he said her name in vain.