As Sierra started to climb the wall, a girl in her late teens rushed out of the door carrying a basket. While she was behind the brick wall, she didn't appear to have a soul, however when she simply pushed the metal gate out of the way and walked outside her soul became visible once more. However, it didn't show signs of any spectral power. She huffed a few times before speaking, [color=lightgray] I am so sorry for being late. I been rather busy. And please don't climb the wall. Um, there is a barrier around this place. You need one these things if you want to get in." [/color] she said, extending the basket of what appeared to be charm bracelets towards the group before quickly pulling it back. [color=lightgray] Oh, I am so sorry. But first I need to see your SEO licenses. [/color] she said nervously, internally kicking herself for her mistake. An observant person would realize that she wasn't wearing a charm bracelet.