That was quite a bit less informative than Ardin thought it would be. Doctor Williams [i]did[/i] answer some of the questions he had, but not all of them. He wanted to know the nature of their powers and what precisely they would be doing on the missions they would be given, but he didn't really want to ask. He wasn't sure he wanted to know about the powers they'd all received because, judging by the spider girl, there could be some serious side effects. He certainly wanted to know what they would be expected to do on mission but in all likelihood they would be told before they got too far into it. Ardin quietly rose to his feet and tried to make a quiet exit. The idea of exploring the complex he would in all likelihood spend a good chunk of his future days in sounded appealing to him. If Ardin was perfectly honest, he did want to know more about their current situation, but he just didn't want to ask about it. A lot of things had happened today, after all, and he wanted to get used to the situation. And he was a bit tired, and a little hungry, and more than a little creeped out by the spider girl, but what he really wanted was some alone time. He began a slow walk down the halls of the underground complex, wary of exploring past his limits as the feeling slowly returned to his legs. He should probably have just tried talking to someone, maybe share some goodwill around to people he would likely have to work with later on down the line. He should probably have stayed in the waiting room, start a conversation with someone next to him, but his legs carried on in the opposite direction. He took a deep breath, letting it back out in a weary sigh. He could socialize later. He didn't really care where exactly he went, but right now, Ardin just wanted to be alone with his thoughts.