▻ The Strongest Beast in All Japan A martial arts tournament being held in Japan is interrupted by the sudden appearance of the Oni Clan. They are angered for some reason, and decided to take their anger out on the people of Japan. However, the emperor of the Oni clan, Daichi, possesses power over weather strong enough to make it impossible to leave Japan. Which means that the Nomads in Japan have no choice but to deal with the Oni threat. But, is all what it seems? ▻ Wretched Automatons A village in Germany is being tormented by machines that are descending from the mountains. This has reached a point where they have put out a considerable price for whoever is brave enough to go up the mountain and solve the problem. However, the problem is a lot more complex than that, as another plot slowly begins to unravel. [hr] ▻ The Strongest Beast in All Japan - Brooklyn - Margot - Aldous - Yeong - Calvin - Hank - Vindani - Lucas - Yen - Jill ▻ Wretched Automatons - Jaden - Justin - Seven-Seven - Brenda - Otsana - Jonas - The One - Veronica - Gideon - Klara - Voyt - Brown - Inanna - Lucie - Askin ▻ PROTOCOL: SHEPHERD - Sage - SYM-04 ▻ Undecided - Fafnir * There are some groups that may cause somewhat of an imbalance, please be aware of this when choosing a plot. ** Also, even with the first note, try to make the place you're sending your character off to make some sense and not because it's for the balance. *** Groups will be removed from the list below once they have decided which location to head to. ▻ Current Groups - N/A More groups will be added as the prologue goes along. [hr] Okay. I went back some pages to get this again so I could read where you were going with Japan and just ignore what I said. It'll work out. I think I'll have Veronica appear in Germany though just because of the disturbance with the Dragon will lure her (thinking some Adam shit is going down) and I also want to see how Jaden would react to Veronica 2.0 lol.