I want to test out the rolling feature using the forum, if that doesn't work I'll get something like they have in the discord, as I want you guys to be able to do your own rolls, otherwise it just won't have the same feel as D&D [@Mae] [@Cu Chulainn] That's a good point too, It all depends on how you guys like this campaign, as we only really get to level 5, maybe a little higher in this campaign. [@Regitnui] Sweet, I've really only just started my collection lol and so you all know the encounters in this campaign aren't quite going to be strong enough as it is designed for a smaller party so i'll be using another book I have which is designed around the kind of monsters we're going to see here, just to make them feel a little better... so any and all feedback is appreciated.. And on that note would you guys like me to open a discord server?