[center][h1][color=purple]☆[/color][color=lightgreen]Eiko Tachibana[/color][color=purple]☆[/color][/h1][/center] As Dawn handed the green haired boy the roll of gauze, he couldn't help but let out a noise of gratitude. There was no way in hell that he would be brave enough to ask for help from some of the other doctors, so Dawn's offer was everything he could have asked for. [color=lightgreen]"Th-Thank you, Dawn!"[/color] He chimed, as he already started to unwrap the gauze and tend to his sister's wounds; he did so while Dawn and James were introducing themselves to each other. He had finished in but a matter of minutes, as Eiko covered parts of her limbs and various sections of her neck and face. She would be okay now, she had to be... Eiko couldn't help but unconsciously lean back as the other boy leaned over, his form trembling in anticipation of what the other was thinking, only to hear him mumble something that hopefully wasn't directed towards him. The boy smiled faintly ad stifled a chuckle, before falling silent and listening to the questions that the other people had for the doctor. While he did notice others arriving a bit late, he chose not to look at them; he probably wouldn't even be able to see them with all the spirits floating around. So...basically, it was their job to be superheros and protect what was left of the world. Easy, huh? Eiko let out a shaky sigh once the doctor made her exit, a good portion of the tension that was in the room leaving with her. While it would have been nice to spend time with the other subjects, gettng Thalia a place to rest would be more impor-- Just as he was thinking of places that would be suitable and not particularly scary, Eiko heard a soft groan escape his sister's lips, her brows furrowing in the process. She suddenly sucked in an enormous breath of air before going into a coughing fit. [color=lightgreen]"S-Sister? Are you awake?"[/color] Eiko asked as he placed his hands on her shoulders to steady her. The small girl didn't answer right away, but the words that did come out of her mouth were alarming. [color=purple]"I...d-died..."[/color] She whispered, her expression uneven and a little scared. Thalia looked all around the room, her blue eyes wide with surprise. Mostly everyone looked normal, but there was one spider girl and a clown boy that were especially freaky, not that Thalia could really think about it with the events that happened to her not too long ago. Unsure of what to do, Eiko placed a hand on her head and rubbed the green locks that they both shared. [color=lightgreen]"I-It's alright, what matters is that you're here and safe, right?"[/color] Eiko knew that what he was saying wasn't exactly true. Heck, they killed her! But harboring negative feelings for too long would be bad for everyone here. It was best to just let it go and remember that she's still alive in the end. Thalia furrowed her brows at the statement, but ultimately nodded in agreement, which of course made Eiko smile as well. [color=lightgreen]"G-Good. Now, Sister, this is D-Dawn and James...they've been really nice to me."[/color] He started, wanting Thalia to finish. Said girl looked between the two for a moment before pointing at Dawn. [color=purple]"Bags."[/color] She then pointed to James. [color=purple]"Odd Eyes."[/color] She then said as she hopped off of Eiko's lap and stood straight. [color=purple]"I need to give nicknames to the other people. Be right back."[/color] And with that she was off, as she wasn't even unconscious a second ago. Eiko facepalmed before looking back at Dawn and James. [color=lightgreen]"Sorry about that. Thalia can be...yeah...but she'll be okay, f-for the most p-part..."[/color] He said with a sheepish smile. [color=lightgreen]"Did you guys have anything that you wanted to do s-since we're f-free?"[/color] He knew he would probably end up following one of them where they went regardless, but he was still curious. [@EchoicChamber][@Majoras End] [hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]☆[/color][color=purple]Thalia Tachibana[/color][color=lightgreen]☆[/color][/h1][/center] Although it appeared that Thalia was perfectly fine, minus how she looked at the time being, it was probably because of her new power that she was able to move around so quickly after waking up. The pain that she felt in the examination room had dulled out significantly, and while the wounds were still there, she couldn't feel them as much. It was honestly pretty cool...minus the whole dying part. Eiko told her not to worry about it since she was still alive, but she knew that that was a load of bull. She could vaguely remember the people that were in there with her, and it was only amatter of time before she could track them down and confront them. Thalia let out a confident huff as she looked at the new faced around the room. Might as well get started. For each person, she made sure to walk in front of them and point, much like how she did with Bags and Odd-Eyes. [color=purple]"...Kitty."[/color] Thalia pointed to the girl that had cat ears. It only seemed logical, right? [@Majoras End] [color=purple]"...Normie."[/color] Probably the most normal looking one at the moment. He should be grateful. [@GoodLuckTuck] [color=purple]"...Spider Woman."[/color] Well, she literally looked like a spider woman, so... [@Tojin] [color=purple]"...Pedo-Clown."[/color] Okay, Thalia just had something against clowns. [@EchoicChamber] [color=purple]"Hm...Badass A and Badass B...I'll think of something else later."[/color] She mumbled. Nothing really popped out with those two girls, so she'd just have to wait and see. [@FiroIV] [color=purple]"...Blondie."[/color] Once again, there was no outward appearance that would give an idea of a creative name, so Blondie for now! [@Sapphire] [@Cherrywitch] And lastly...Thalia stopped in front of a boy curling in on himself. He looked basically like her brother, a ghost. A little confused, but also curious, Thalia crouched down in front of him and tilted her head. She could feel the blood seeping slowly out of her wounds, but she was too distracted to notice. [color=purple]"Hey, are you okay? Um...Thirteen?"[/color] She asked, the tattoo on his face giving her the nickname idea.