Rose - The Last Plank [i] "I don't wish ya any ill will. Sad to say, though, if Longfellow doesn't have a lead, chances aren't good there'll be more to do about this bad bit of business. We've got other fish to fry."[/i] Rose grimaced at Corrine's words and finished the rest of her drink before standing up, a look of anger and frustration flashed across her face. She'd heard this particular tune before, "Fine," She said defiantly, "I'll handle this myself then. Its not like I'm not used to it. Its been this way from town to town across the wastes. People just shut their doors and hold their ears, and hope that The Institute doesn't take them. Nobody wants to fight back and nobody is willing to risk their lives to help a Synth. I'll figure out what's going on here one way or the other, and I WILL find the person that killed Bishop. All of you 'tough' harbor folk can go back to drinking yourselves into a stupor." Rose then dropped down a few caps to pay for the drink, picked up her gun and left the Last Plank.