[@Skepic] [i][color=f26522]Goddammit, how am I supposed to get back home now?[/color][/i] Just next to the recently Rag dolled M1 Mech, Enyo's Wraith stood still. He was surprised she couldn't even see him, from this distance. He wasn't sure if that was a good think or bad thing. She didn't sound very pleased by his Radar Jamming, even though he usually white listed them immediately, this Pilot didn't even give him the chance. As the Mk1 went soaring across the air and smashing down into pieces, Enyo spoke back through his external loud speaker. [color=f26522]"Try asking again nicely..."[/color]. As his words were being said, his Camo dropped from head to toe. Leaving his Mech back to it's bland Tan color. In a matter of seconds Alexi was staring down the barrel of Ghost's Rifle. Aimed directly at the cockpit of her Mech.[color=f26522] "So, I hear you're having a Pit roast soon?"[/color] Enyo said, followed up with a light hearted laugh. Alexi's Radar should of been cleared up by now. Being whitelisted by Enyo moments before he dropped his Cloak.