[h2]The Ripper[/h2] With the girl now in--relatively--safe hands once she realised what was going on and joined the fight, Noriko was freed up to stop focusing on defensive action and fully display [i]why[/i] she had been given such an alarming epithet. Lacking a predefined goal, the knife-wielding girl simply moved with the flow of Negari, slicing at the oh-so obvious weak points and leaving a trail of sliced up foes. This was her strength, the bonus for lacking any of the fancy abilities that so many others demonstrated. The only fatigue or limit on her fighting capabilities were physical exhaustion and that was a long, [i]long[/i] time when put next to anyone who could burn through all their reserves in a single bout of fighting. Perhaps fittingly, she ended up close enough to Kyouka to get an idea of what one of the newly arrived magical girls was doing. She hated people like that, who wouldn't work with others properly. "Flower, stop being a bully and focus on the main enemy!"