[center][h1][url=https://dicecloud.com/character/EKP4jKmn8mSm7nd4L/Kiki-Milaan][color=0072bc]Kiki Milaan [/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/JdSH8td.png[/img][/url][/h1][/center][hr]The journey from Halruaa had been long and hard, but Kiki had finally arrived in Neverwinter, physically unscathed but mentally exhausted. Her first night in the city had resulted in her being ejected from several inns as she barely had the coin to pay, and so she found herself nestled under a grove of trees next to the river that bisected the city. The morning brought her to investigate the various factions and postings in the city. Surely someone would have work for an individual with her skills, and eventually, she was beset upon by a dwarf needing an escort for his wagon. Far be it from Kiki to turn away free money. The ten gold she expected to earn would last her long enough to get a more stable job under her, and to that end, she located the Lord's Alliance faction. Although Kiki was not particularly knowledgeable about the local history, nor was she exactly the most lawful individual, she found this faction seemed more than willing to listen to her tales about Halruaa, even offering room and board for the evening. An interesting chat with the chef ensued, and she expressed her intent to join the dwarf on his journey the following day. Kiki was rather surprised to learn that the man she spoke to was also planning to join this journey. At least she would have an ally on her first job. The meeting with the rest of the party was not the smoothest meet up she had ever participated in. When the barbarian attempted to "test" her armor, she responded by keeping his neck a rapier's length away from her. She was not in the habit of taking pointless beatings from her supposed allies, and certainly would not abide him trying to attack those weaker than him without provocation. She hoped he didn't take it personally. Kiki spent the first few days getting to know the crew she started with. Ardiane, the bard, seemed to be quite intriguing, but there was something hidden under that shy smile of hers. Kiki joined in for a short time with her lute, and although Ardiane was much more talented than Kiki, it was quite the enjoyable experience. Bar, the barbarian with a less than inspired name, wasn't too bad once Kiki got to know him, but she still had a tough time trusting anyone who thought bashing others was a proper greeting ritual. Perhaps this land was even more different than she expected. Seethe, the wizard, was a great conversationalist, and she found herself lost in stories around him, either of her own weaving or his. Elki, the cleric, greatly interested Kiki, and she hoped to learn more about the deities she worshiped before the journey was out. She had always thought of most religions as being stifling and restrictive, but this cleric seemed to have an easier time having fun than even Kiki did. And of course, the final member of their crew was a silent man. It was hard to trust someone who refused to give his name, and indeed, spoke so little that Kiki was unsure even what his talents were. There was something different about him that Kiki couldn't put a finger on, and she wondered to herself whether this man might be part of the cargo they were escorting. All in all, the majority of the party intrigued her enough, and the promised pay was worth the company of those she mistrusted. Perhaps she would change her mind if she saw them in a true fight, but for now, she plodded along happily with the rest. Maybe she had finally found a place she belonged. [[4]]